
Friday, April 15, 2022

Unpredictable Spring

April 15, 2022

Dear Readers,

Springtime made her appearance this season in a variety of headline news reports. First, winterinspring, aka "sprinter", stormed in and out. Then, the season of extremes brought summerinspring weather with spinning air or above-normal heat. Mother Nature whimsically played the match game, redirecting its seasonal pull, mixing, matching her moves like a serious chess game of winter and spring vying for attention. Somedays, rains blew in with damp weather and by afternoon sunshine brought much warmer temperatures. Even the delicate cherry blossoms lost their billowy buds sooner than expected. Meteorologists were kept very busy by Mother Nature. Between post-surgery visits to the eyes specialist, I peeked at my perennial and herb gardens. After weeks of checking in, I was surprised that the perennial garden with its previous withered look withstood all. Perennials pushed through the dark brown mulch and intuitively sprouted. Green mint plants and lavender topiaries arrived in time for a Holy Week blessing. Did Mother Nature anticipate the glorious resurrection on Easter and commanded sunshine to glisten through a painter's blue sky palette? Was this request spoken to take away the sting of Good Friday's passion? I'll wait to see Easter Sunday's weather report tomorrow. Will it be an April Fool's belated trick with heavy sweater weather following? 

brushstrokes of spring artistry
easter day awaits 
©CV, 2022

Eagerly waiting for the Easter Egg Hunt with either warm tones or cool blue weather. Only Mother Nature knows for sure. 


During NATIONAL POETRY MONTH this week, I am grateful to:

Irene Latham for sending me a beautiful postcard filled with inspiration. Thank you, Irene, for your tranquil nod to springtime, painted in a fine array of environmental bliss. I send a Happy Poetry Month thanks back to you. 

Thank you to Margaret Simon for her This Photo Wants To Be a Poem photo prompt that tickled my imagination. Because of spring's very windy days, I decided to try a bit of alliteration to spark my thinking about dandelions, better known as "dandylions" according to my soon-to-be-five granddaughter.

Jone Rush MacCulloch posted a beautiful nature photo on "Solace Sunday", an ongoing section of her blog. I was immediately intrigued by the tulip dipped in dewdrops and wrote the following poem.

Bob Hamera, aka "arjeha" on Two Writing Tuesdays graciously accepted my invitation to create an image poem. He not only created a poem but sent out news of my Poetryliscious Gallery of Artistic Expressions. You can read his slice of life announcement and view his image poem here

Inspirational Quote created to introduce my Poetryliscious padlet that is a repository for images poems being offered throughout April. 

Lastly, I commend my Kidlit poet-author friend, Matt Forrest Esenwine, for hosting Poetry Friday this week. I am ready to add my post to the Poetry Friday Roundup here. Due to this being the Easter Weekend and my healing eye, I am posting in the very last hours of the day. Join me at the Poetry Friday Roundup where Matt has a wonderful interview with children's poet-author, Leslie Bulion, who talks about her new poetry book, "Serengeti: Plains of Grass". He also is hosting a contest. I am contemplating what poetic format I should use for my response.

NOTE: I will read as many blogs as I can throughout the weekend and into next week since my surgery eye is still inflamed but healing. Reading is slow-going lately.


  1. Carol, thanks for the mention. Yes, Mother Nature really has us guessing from day to day which season we are in. Somehow, though, the flowers know it is their time to shine. Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Bob, I want to wish you and Kathy a Happy Easter. I definitely need some flowers in my beds to brighten my home. At least my inside is filled with the look of spring. Artificial flowers are everywhere reminding me to filled with the happiness of nature.

  2. So wonderful things for which to be grateful, Carol - thank you for your tremndous support of poetry and those of us who write it! Hadn't heard about your surgery, so I hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Matt, thanks for hosting PF and stopping to read my post. I started writing a PoetryCUBED poem and will send it to you when I review it.

  3. What a wealth of spring offerings!

    1. Mary Lee, thanks for stopping by. Spring is definitely in the air but the meteorologist is predicting temps dropping to 52 degrees tomorrow. Have a wonderful Easter.

  4. Carol: Yes, you have offered a garden of springtime goodness. Thank you! I hope you continue to see improvement in your eye. Happy Easter!

    1. Springtime is not like I remembered it was during my childhood but life changes and the weather certainly has become unpredictable, Karen. Today, I started in layers and by mid afternoon, the temperature rose to 80 degrees. It was a wonderful day with the grandgirls and tomorrow is another one. Happy Easter to you.

  5. Love your idea of "serious chess game", Carol. Wishing you a marvelous SPRING day tomorrow! We have all warm this week but I trust very little until Mother's Day! Hope your eye is better each day!

    1. Today, was indeed a marvelous spring day that turned into a very warm one with temps hitting 80 degrees. We spent time with the little grandgirls while their parents looked for different rocks for the fairy garden they are creating with a drawbridge and a waterfall leading to the little house in their wooded area. Happy Easter and thanks for the well wishes.

  6. Carol, it's always a delight to read your posts; spring is oozing from here! Enjoy your Easter and healing time!

    1. Patricia, I do appreciate your comments. Today, was a beautiful spring day and I got to spend most of it with my little grandgirls and the extended family. Happy Easter to you.

  7. You always provide so much variety and goodness, Carol! Even while convalescing! I especially love the line: "nature's windy-day wish weeds" in your "dandylion" poem. :)

  8. Thank you for putting together this poetic gallery for us. I too love that line about "windy-day wish weeds" - that has to be the best description of a dandelion I've ever read! Wishing you the best in your continued recovery.

  9. I hope your Easter was beautiful and wonderful, Carol! Go rest your eyes!
