
Friday, July 29, 2022

Gratitude for Summer Days

In summer, there are times that I like to be still in the moment, soaking in the artistic quality of a summer day. These stilled moments are a beautiful gift of nature that nurtures my summer soul.

"To lie sometimes on the grass on a summer day listening to the murmur of water, or watching the clouds float across the sky is hardly a waste of time." (John Lubbock)

Please sit with me for a few moments to be grateful for the earth's beauty.

in brilliant shades of summer beige
nature presents her grandest stage
from shores to inlets cameras click
please pause-choose a momentous pic
©CV, 2022

earth splashes color
across my digital page
sweet summer praise
©CV, 2022

Fill your heart with gratitude for the artistry within every summer moment.

I am hosting Spiritual Journey Thursday on August 4th and chose the topic,
Summer Nurtures Our Souls.

If you are inclined, please join our community of writers at my blog, Beyond LiteracyLink, as we respond to the prompt in artistic expressions to share how summer 2022 nurtures our souls.


Today is Poetry Friday and Marcie Flinchum Atkins is our host. Marcie inspired me with her artistic offerings. She combines nature photography with haiku for her journal which houses a lovely collection. 

Collage created by Linda Mitchell


  1. I adore summer--long days, hot weather, afternoon thunderstorms. Thank you for your poems about it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Marcie. I do love the longer days of summer and noticed yesterday that it was getting darker earlier. Enjoy more summer days.

  2. Before the last heatwave, I was loving summer in the backyard so much that I was reading to move out there. The really hot weather brought me down to earth! I enjoyed your summer poems. I can't believe it's almost August.

    1. Susan, I just came back from the pool and it was a scorcher. Thanks for stopping over!

  3. Carol, thanks for sharing your sweet poems and invitation. I love thinking of the idea of the seashore being nature's stage. There is so much beauty! I am going to try to join in again with Spiritual Journey Thursday. Yes, summer is a soul nurturer, for sure. I should be able to share about that. Thanks!

  4. I'm really interested in 'brilliant shades of beige"! Surrounded as I have been by the chalk--not always white--of the Seven Sisters and the stony beaches here, I'm open to reconsidering beige as brilliant! Glad you are soaking in summer!

  5. You are always so creative, Carol. I love your summer silence and noticing the signs of the season. It is such a joyous time of year. I am enjoying it immensely this year.

  6. Hooray for summer! It adds some magic to our lives. I love it and all the color and spice it brings.

  7. Thank you, Carol for this break in my day, and invitation to consider all that I am grateful. I love "In brilliant shades of summer beige" that describes the look of the beach. I hope you spend lots of time there this summer.
