
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Bringing Back Memories Through Songs

As we drove down the highway on a very warm August evening, I flipped radio channels to listen to a variety of songs from different decades. 
I paused to reflect on summer days:
These Are Special Times.
August days slip away
Sealed with a Kiss.
Dances with the Wind
on the roaring ocean.
A Summer Breeze
floats on by. 
I'm At One with You
In My Summer Place
Singing A Summer Song.
Chase the Sun!
It's Funny How Life Slips Away.
©CVarsalona, 2022

Later in the evening, after errands were finished, I pieced together song titles we listened to for a quick write on summer. Memories of past summers floated like waves across the sea
as I penned this poem.

Slice of Life Tuesday is celebrated at Two Writing Teachers,
a meeting place for a world of reflective writers 


  1. A fun way to capture summer memories. Those are my songs, too!

    1. Diane, I think back on a family trip with my husband and I sang our way throughout the ride. It was exhilerating.

  2. I love your poem and am quite familiar with each of those song titles. That's a great idea to flip through the stations for titles. :)

    1. Debbie Lynn, I just came home from yoga and the spa station had an instrumental about the gift of life. What a great way to start my day.

  3. Carol, what a fun idea. It is interesting how songs of an era capture what was going on during that time and how people were feeling. The titles in your poem bring back many memories.

    1. Bob, I continue to reflect on song titles each day as I am driving. In fact, in our stretch and pump class we always have music from the past. The ladies are constantly asking our instruction who sang that song. Music keeps everything lively.

  4. Replies
    1. Many thanks for stopping by. The weather is so hot here in Virginia and when the rain comes, it is in torrents.
