
Friday, November 4, 2022

Reflacting During Gratitude Month

Reflect + Act = Reflaction
Lately, I am in fast mode, moving from event to event. I am acutely aware of the lack of just-for-me and slow-down time. I wonder if I can deprogram myself from racing through life?  

Just be and enjoy being!  (Eckhart Tolle)
Be full of gratitude!
More yoga time!

Forward Steps:
Last night, I presented my second keynote address to the Reading Specialists Council of Suffolk via Zoom. I felt relieved when I finished the presentation, The Power of Writing: Inviting and Encouraging Students to Discover the Writer Within because this week was one of constant motion. Despite the exhaustion of a jam-packed week, I was grateful and honored to present my keynote to a group of interested teachers. Needless to say, I decided to relax and just be.

This afternoon, I share my thoughts through digital art, nature photography, and writing poetry. This work has had a calming effect on me.  Below is what I call a digital inspiration from the past that influences my writing since it is about gratitude.

Inspiration often comes when I look out the window and see the colors of autumn but sometimes portions of life are not inspiring. Yet, the desire to write is still there. The following quote addresses how a writer proceeds without instantaneous inspiration. Upon reflection, I realize that most of the time I am an impatient-doer writer, not a waiter.

If you wait for inspiration to write, you're not a writer; you're a waiter.
~Dan Poynter

Here is my 18th slide from last night's presentation, Inviting and Encouraging Students to Discover the Writer Within. I started with a prose piece, then followed with a free verse poem with the topic, The What of Writing.
The poem below was penned one night this week when I felt like an insomniac.

It's time to finally join my Poetry Friday friends at Heidi Mordhorst's blog, my juicy little universe. Heidi is sharing her thoughts on the importance of voting. The piece of digital art showcased explains the reasoning for Heidi's naming this year as a "life-or-death election year". Heidi also reminds us that it is Folktale Week 2022 and the writing group, the Inklings critique group's, monthly challenge.


  1. I can relate to the fast mode, Carol.... October through December are generally always like that over in my corner. I'm trying to take even wee breaks, though, to notice and appreciate. Thanks for your always-thoughtful, creative posts, which help remind us all to do that! I'm sure your presentation was a gift of your spirit.

  2. I understand that fast mode. I get a wee bit grumpy. Taking small breaks help.

  3. Lovely post Carol, I always enjoy the bits of nature you weave into your posts, they give a sense of slowing and being in the moment. Also I like the "b" words in your thanksgiving poem, be, becoming. Deep breathing brings me calm and clears my head a bit, thanks for all!

  4. Well, first of all I'm just so relieved that "reflact" is an intentional word and not a typo! Secondly, you win the Understatement of the Week Award for "sometimes portions of life are not inspiring."😝Third, thanks for getting here despite your exhaustion. I think daily as I try to remake my life about why overbusy is my default mode, and to recognize that the discomfort in that is greater than the discomfort in finding less to be enough. Sometimes the greater living action is to be, indeed.

  5. Considering all that you've been doing, Carol, I'm amazed that you arrived for PF this week. They must have loved hearing you speak about writing! Being out in nature, even looking out 'at' nature brings calm to me. I've had to be at the bookstore the past two days & I was so ready for today, walking, raking leaves, looking at the sky! I love the idea of "today's living action", sorry for the insomnia yet the words you penned feel especially personal, and thanks for the "VOTE" art. wishing everyone would get out there to vote! I'm late finishing up reading the post so hope today was a good start to your weekend & Happy Sunday!

  6. Sing it, Sista' My goodness, what a busy time. I am barely keeping up -- but so grateful for all the good and wonderful opportunities. Thank you for blessing us and so many others with your wisdom. You are an inspiration.

  7. Wow, you are incredibly busy! Amazed you made it here this week. I'm so glad you did. I love the Poynter quote, and I also am drawn into the swirling, percolating synthesis in your poem. Hope you get to slow down for a few days now!

  8. Sometimes life is so exhausting! But how wonderful that you can turn to your talent with poetry as a calming force. Love the line "Be grateful for what is."
