
Friday, December 9, 2022

Holiday Greetings

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.    -Norman Vincent Peal                    

Holiday magic,
What does it mean?
Can wishes be wrapped
In dreams unseen? 

Can thoughts twinkle
Like Christmas stars
Or might they jingle
Jangle from afar?

Can December be filled
With fanciful thoughts
Of dreams fulfilled
And wintery spots?

Can holiday magic
Dust my abode
With abracadabra
To decorated-mode?
©CVarsalona, 2022 

Dear Santa,
If you can send some elves to my house to help me clear a path for holiday magic to happen, I would be grateful. Don't peek at the mess right now. There are only a few days left to turn my house into a holiday house worthy of the season. With luck and a few magical elves, I just might get the house fully decorated this weekend and the yards ready for your sleigh to visit. Thanks for listening to my plea. I do want to greet you with glee.
Yours Truly, A Frantic Grandma


Join me at Michelle Kogan's blog here to read her tribute to Ukraine artists who remain brave amidst wartime situations. She offers a beautiful piece of art and poem, Morning Song Gift as well. Thanks to Michelle, the host of Poetry Friday this week, you will find more poetic goodness from a variety of writers. 

From my house to yours, may the magic of the holidays bring you good tidings!


  1. Hahahaha--your post made me laugh, though I'm sure it's all feeling a bit overwhelming for real, Carol. We decorated the weekend before Thanksgiving this year, for various reasons. We've never done that. It led to such a lovely Thanksgiving weekend, I think we're going to keep that tradition on years when it's possible. Of course, not always possible to get things done when you plan to! That last stanza of your poem--perfect!

    1. Life is a series of ups and downs. We spent the morning trying to doctor up our Christmas tree. Whew, finally my husband fixed. Have a great weekend.

  2. Delightful post, Carol!! It's a magical time for sure -- have fun with all the decorating. I'm sure Santa will be sympathetic. :) ~ Jama

    1. Thanks, Jama. I am ready to take our my Susan Branch cookbook to make cookies. As I do, I will remember the many nights pouring over this book with my mother, a wonderful baker and cake decorator. Happy Holidays. My husband is calling me to decorate the staircase area. How lucky for me to have this elf and his son rescue me.

  3. tee hee. It's all so worth it though when the little ones have memories of time with you at your special house for Christmas. I'm wishing you some extra elves so that all you have to do is direct and produce the show! Merry Christmas, Carol!

    1. Linda, I love your idea. Wouldn't it be a luxury to have an abracadabra magic wand and elves to help me produce my show. I got the mantle and fireplace decorated last night and the staircase will be next on the list. Happy Holidays!

  4. As you know, my week ahead is traveling to C's graduation. It's exciting but little by little, I "think" I will get it all together here, before & after. I was with one of the girls earlier this week who said she would help! Wishing you a loving Christmas with everyone plus a little "abracadabra", Carol! Even if you miss a few decorations, being together is the important thing.

    1. I am gearing up for an extended family Christmas dinner at my house, Linda. We are 16 between my family and my son-in-law's family (and that isn't counting my sister and Michael's brother and his family). I do love decorating but wish the elves would come. Happy Graduation to Carter. Enjoy your trip.

  5. Carol, I love the poem and can so relate to the "jingle jangle" of thoughts. My dad always waited until Christmas Eve to buy our tree (because they were discounted and he was a child of the Depression...), so I figure anything I do before then is on time!

    1. I love your thoughts on on decorating and your comments on the jingle jangle thoughts. My husband is calling me now to decorate the stairway area with him. Have a wonderful holiday, Susan.

  6. Aww... Carol, I hope some elves find their way to help you prepare. My niece gifted my sister with decorating help as her gift for the past couple years. I think as we get older, we appreciate those kind of gifts! Leaves more time for the twinkle, jingle, and jangle of Christmas wonderings. :)

    1. Patricia, I love that idea. My husband and son became the elves yesterday as they brought in many boxes with decorations. Now they sit in the middle of the house waiting,,,Have a lovely holiday.

  7. Just remember the Whos in Whoville and your decorations will be assigned the proper amount of importance!

  8. Yes let's wrap wishes in " dreams unseen," and sprinkle them with stardust and have them unfold…Thanks for your wonderful, fanciful poem Carol, and I hope an elf or too pops in to lend you a hand!

    1. Your first sentence sounds like the opening of another poem. Let me play with that, Michelle. Many wishes for a bright holiday to you.

  9. Lovely poem, Carol! Holiday magic - it's everywhere. I think part of the fun is helping it materialize. Enjoy the process!

  10. What fun, Carol! I, too, with for that abracadabra moment with the holiday decorating. If only! :D

  11. The last stanza of your poem made me laugh, Carol! We've gone more spare with our Hanukkah and Christmas decorations since our children are in their 20s. How lovely to have a little one to celebrate the wonder with.
