
Thursday, January 5, 2023

Spiritual Journey - 2023 One Word Guide

As the new year opens, one word reveals itself as my guide on my 2023 spiritual journey. In anticipation of this wonder-filled event, I open my heart and mind to accept not a resolution but a guiding spirit. A word as quiet as a winter forest in early morning evolves. It swirls in wonder, colors the sky in imagination, and settles in a pillowed corner of content. In a dreamlike state, it opens in a restful pose. One word, newly added to my one word list echoes the thought of the "most inspiring and visionary spiritual teachers in the world today", Eckhart Tolle

Just be and enjoy being!  
- Eckhart Tolle

What I Know About My 2023 One Word

Be is a guiding spirit.
In the yoga studio, it appears as presence on my mat.
 In life, Be, will slow down my continual hurried pace
through the power of now.
Am I ready for this challenge?
It has been a long time coming.
I lean on the Lord, reminded of His words:
"Be still, and know that I am God!
Be strong and of good courage;
Be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:
for the Lord, thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest."*
©CVarsalona, 2023
*Bible Verses

To Be Present

open your heart
fully listen
believe in faith
find joy's presence

reach out for hope
embrace the now
seek life's balance
pause and begin

just being!
be true to you
throughout this year
©CVarsalona, 2023
4x4 poem

May this year provide a journey of wonder and surprise
as I allow my one word, be, to guide my spiritual journey. 
In a quiet room, I write with the muse on my shoulder and the spirit of love and peace above.
I look forward to joining the Spiritual Journey First Thursday community hosted by teacher/author/poet Margaret Simon at Reflections on the Teche.
Here poetic goodness and spiritual enrichment flow.


  1. How lovely and peaceful, this word, be. I am glad that you've found a nice, patient and sweet word.

    1. Linda, I needed a word that will help slow down and yes, I am excited that "be" is my OLW.

  2. The content of your reflections matches your OLW so well, Carol: be. It is contentment, peace, wholeness. I look forward to journeying in this spiritual space with you.

    1. Patricia, thank you for joining me here tonight. The spiritual space is an amazing place to "be", especially when you wake up in the middle of the night and can't fall back to sleep.

  3. When I was teaching Christian Ed, I would sing and sign "Be Still and Know that I am God." What a BEautiful word to welcome presence and peace in the new year.

  4. What a fun reflection! Something tells me you're in for some wonderful adventures with be. "Appreciate just being." That's a wonderful mantra. I love the scriptures you shared with be as the first word in a scriptural admonition. Be joyful as you begin this year's journey. You always do such an excellent job of exploring your word through a variety of platforms. You inspire me.

  5. Carol, I love "Be" as a guiding word. It reminds me of God's name for Himself: "I AM". In Him we have our being...I have slowed my pace considerably over the past months. Work has taken a lot more time and energy; I have needed to rest more, to be still more, to clear my mind more. As you so beautifully put it: Be is "A word as quiet as a winter forest in early morning evolves. It swirls in wonder, colors the sky in imagination, and settles in a pillowed corner of content" - yes, this is what I strive for also. Just to Be. As always, your words inspire, encourage, and impart much peace. Blessings to you and yours in this new year.

  6. I love your word choice and poems, Carol. The list of "be still.... be strong... be not afraid..." really spoke to me. I can't wait to see where this leads you. Many blessings for the year to come.

  7. To simply BE is both necessary and powerful. ❤️

    1. Erin, thank you for reading my post and continuing to encourage the yogis to "just be".
