
Sunday, March 26, 2023

Into the Spring Fog

I woke to 44 degrees weather, soft raindrops, and a sky of muted gray. There was silence in the neighborhood as if it was the middle of the night. As I embarked on my shopping run, I turned onto the main roads to find cars lit with headlights, window wipers swishing, and a small number of cars on the road. What struck me was the mood that was being evoked by the mixture of the rainstorm, cloudless sky, and the piping in of slow instrumental music. The name of the piece popped up on the dashboard, Still/Sound.

Wrapped in Morning Fog

on silent footsteps
it came

I drove cautiously
enjoying the scenery
waiting for spring's renewal
©CVarsalona, 2023

My Slice of Life
16th Annual March SOLSC! #SOL23


  1. Wrapped in morning fog, such a perfect title for your moody gray spring morning.

  2. Love the coincidence of the song playing for your foggy drive. My favorite fog is when the air is clear and the fog is lying like a quilt covering the ground. Love your poem...waiting for spring's renewal to pop back out from under the fog. :)

  3. Yep...that is me up there, 'anonymous'

  4. Carol, being wrapped in a blanket of fog somehow drowns out the extraneous sounds around and heightens those closest to us...the swish of the wipers, the music from the radio, the cars passing by. Although not one of me favorite conditions for driving, there is beauty in fog.
