
Wednesday, March 22, 2023

My Springtime Pile of Good Things

Everyone has a pile of good things in their life. Granted there are times when the pile is filled with weeds mucking up life's garden. Now that spring is here so we need to pause, reflect on what is, and immerse ourselves in the ritual of spring cleaning. Gardeners remove what is not needed and enrich the soil. With patience, we need to assess our pile of good things so it can grow, spread, and become a thriving garden. In addition, like our spring garden, our souls need nutrients to grow a positive and grateful inner garden.

With thanks to Fran Haley for sharing her lovely, inspirational pile-poem introduced by Stef Boutelier on Day Two of Ethical ELA’s Open Write.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for providing a meeting place for reflective writers around the globe. I am offering this slice for Day 22 of the 16th Annual SOLSC! #SOL23 March Writing Challenge.


  1. I KNEW your pile of good things poem would be gorgeous - and it is! The scents of springtime, the delicacy of new blossoms, the majesty of ocean roars (also one of my favorite sounds) and of course the joyful presence of grandgirls - who could ask for more? We are surrounded by wonders upon wonders, as the poem form illustrates so well!

    1. Fran, I do like this poetic form. It allows me to pause and be grateful for all that is precious to me. I have not contributed to Ethical ELA yet. Is there a format for joining?

    2. Ethical ELA does opme forum Open Writes once a month for five days - it is all on the site. They're gearing up now for VerseLove, writing a poem a day for the month of April with a different host each day - I hope you will check it out! I have learned so much there.

  2. Your happiness radiates through this poem!

    1. Tracey, thanks for joining me here. I do enjoy my pile of good things, especially being with grandgirls now. We lived on Long Island (NY) and when the pandemic hit we were in the epicenter of the breakout so traveling was not acceptable.

  3. Carol, this format is new to me. I really like how the pile grows heaping one good thing after another until you have a pile of good things worth jumping into and relishing each one. It is heartwarming to reflect on the good things in our lives and be thankful for each and every one.

    1. Bob, good things surround us. I just need to remind myself of this each day. I lost the digital art collage and poem I wrote and had to figure out what the next step should be but I am thankful that I had everything I needed on my computer. I just needed to keep my wits about me and add what I lost. Whew!

  4. Love your poem and 'good things that line my heart'. Beautiful collage, also. :)

  5. This is such a lovely expressive format. Your pile heralds all things spring!
