
Friday, May 12, 2023

Flutterings of the Heart

Spring is the time when God's magic is at its grandest. ~ Toni Sorenson

A magical Spring day opens with softly wrapped gentle heat and a sun-blinking sky. It is time to "Be", breathe in Spring's sweet-scented perfume, and listen to nature. The mallard duck and his partner walk silently to green places of repose, birds swing by waiting for their turn at the feeder, and bunnies hide until they hop to nibble on bird seeds. Small simple observations lead to artistic visualizations. Poetic goodness flows near the fountain waiting to be awakened during May's plantings. The garden is at rest and so are those relaxing in verdant, manicured lawns. Spring provides a restful environment. 

The above prose and image poem haiku combine to create a haibun.

While designing the Springsations Gallery of Artistic Expressions, soft musings from poetic hearts led me to write the following haikus.
small observations
nature sits on dewed petals
spring's marvelment
be still moments
brushed by the Divine artist
earth's creative art
quiet birdsong
chirping sounds of springtime
nature speaks of bliss
©CVarsalona, 2023

(If you are reading or creating, you may want to listen to Music of Nature here. The sounds and photos are soothing.)

I am signing off now, wishing everyone a Happy Mother's Day!

May Spring's seeds bring you blossoms to add color to your springtime days.

I am eager to join the Poetry Friday Roundup with today's host, the haiku wiz poet, Robyn Hood Black. My humble poems are inspired by her work.
You will find a sweet haiku about new mothers at the blog post.

Thank you, Linda Baie for creating this small moment photo.

You can see the new blend of art with poetry at my Springsations Gallery Padlet.
If inclined to add another spring-theme image poem to the gallery, please do so.


  1. Carol - what a nurturing respite over here -- "nature speaks of bliss" indeed. Thank you as always for sharing your inspirations and creativity, and I appreciate those kind words more than I can say. Uplifting all around. Best wishes to you and your beautiful family this special Mother's Day weekend!

    1. Robyn, the beauty of nature allows me to find some peace when life is challenging. Enjoy your new home. I wish you well.

  2. And those 'ripple effects' pass along all through the poetry from the first to your post, Carol. We've had lots of rain recently, a new thing, & leaves are bursting forth on the trees, greening up! "Nature speaks of bliss" indeed! Happy Mother's Day!

    1. Today was a beautiful spring day, Linda. Even the continued rain broke into sunshine creating an uplifting feeling.

  3. I feel like I walked into a poetry spa for refreshment, Carol. It has filled me with a calm. Blessings of joy and springsations as you "be" into May.

  4. There is always so much gratitude in your work, Carol. And as your garden grows more poems will come to mind for sure. Xxoo

    1. I just love the surprise blossoms that pop into my Springsations padlet, Janice. Thanks for your offerings.

  5. I love thinking about all the "ripple effects" in this week's PF roundup: joy, kindness, sorrow, scientific wows, new books to read, gardens coming to life, birds singing!

  6. Love your animated “sun-blinking sky,“ and “nature sits on dewed petals” — delicious thoughts for spring, thanks Carol!

  7. Lovely words, Carol. "nature sits on dewed petals" is especially beautiful. Thank you.

  8. Hooray for the "Be still moments." I just spent a few, listening to soft rain outside the window. <3 Thank you, Carol!

  9. "Springsations" is such a good word, Carol. Happy spring!

    1. Susan, thank you for stopping by. I am glad that you like the gallery's imaginative name. If you have an offering, please add it to the padlet.
