
Friday, May 5, 2023

Shall We Dance on the Spiritual Journey?

As I celebrate the wonders of Spring with my upcoming Springsations Gallery, I ponder the beauty of nature and the strength of its Divine Creator. Each month, the Spiritual Journey writers join together to write on a topic suggested by the host. This month, Chris Margocs introduces us to a fascinating subject: Shall We Dance? Since my childhood, I have always been a lover of dance. I remember dancing across my living room while listening to Broadway musicals. My love for dancing continued into adulthood.

"The Dance of all the arts is the one that most influences the soul."- Plato

Nature also influences my soul as it moves in a flow from season to season. Leaves find their rhythm even in springtime when the wind stirs in the woods. Raindrops dance and glisten on the sidewalk as a sunshower tip-toes in for a quick step. Some flowers let their petals fall gracefully onto dark chocolate beds and evening sunsets layer the sky with rich layers of color or soft muted shades. 


When a photo of a friend's trip to Cuba appeared on FaceBook, I appreciated the beauty of an eventide sunset. A majestic painted sky brushed with fiery golds, and reds danced among the clouds. I immediately wrote to Justin Stygles and asked if I could showcase his glamorous sunset at my Springsations Gallery Padlet and Springsations Gallery of Artistic Expressions. After many poetic drafts, I share the image poem of two joyous eventide happenings.

Shall we watch in awe as a brilliant sun sets
praising nature for its glorious moments?
Shall we dance a high-energy salsa
filling our souls with contentment?
Stillness and energy
share the sky.
Nature Nurtures Our Souls
Below you will see different movements of Earth's nature dance.
You can take a quick journey from land to sea.

Whether you find stillness in nature or energetic joy, be mindful that all things were made by the Divine. We need to honor Earth and protect it as we dance with hope and journey onward. 
Whenever there is stillness there is the still small voice, God's speaking from the whirlwind, nature's old song, and dance ... - Author: Annie Dillard
I now travel to two sites where writing is honored.
Spiritual Journey Thursday at Chris Margocs blog, Horizon 51

Poetry Friday at the wonderful and caring Linda Baie's blog, TeacherDance
Linda speaks about kindness as a vital part of our world.
Let's all find and spread kindness in all we do.
created by L. Baie, 2023
Please see the new additions to Springsations Gallery Padlet here.


  1. This post is like a mini retreat full of pretty, peaceful and calm. Thank you Carol for the visual and audible sweetness. I love how I can depend on you for that.

    1. Last night I kept falling asleep and when I woke, I added more to the post. Crazy way of writing but I finished before this morning came to be.Thanks for stopping by Linda.

  2. Fiery sun glides…kisses night sky…
    That just creates the image, even without a photo (which is spectacular) …
    The words bring to mind sunsets you have experienced as you read them.

  3. Oh, Carol, so much springsation love here! The photo Justin took is breathtaking. I would love to be dancing a salsa there under that sky. I like the idea that "Stillness and energy / share the sky." Your post reminded me of a video I took earlier this week, so I added it to my post.

  4. Carol, I love how you talk about nature dancing through the seasons. It is a never-ending swirl. Sometimes the dances are light and airy, leaves dancing in a gentle fall breeze. Sometimes the dances is old and ferocious, pelting rain during a storm. Dance is all around us.

    1. Ferocious is a good word for the stormy weather. One of our table umbrellas outside flew over the seat wall during one storm and broke. May today be a gentle dancing day, Bob.

  5. Love that 'nature dance', Carol, & so much beauty in your post, from Cuba-marvelous "high-energy salsa" & the sun's "settling slowdown". You made me smile all the way through! Thank you!

  6. I love the settling slowdown, Carol!

  7. Lovely image of the sun's slowdown as it kisses the sky. Thanks, Carol!

  8. It took me four tries, but I'm finally in to leave a comment. Carol, I love your poems and the quotes too! But I especially love the paragraph where you talk about how nature influences the soul, season to season. I hope you can share My Mama Had a Dancing Heart with your grand girls. All of you will love it.

  9. Another glorious collection of beauty and wisdom!!

  10. A sun kissing a night sky, a settling slowdown... I long to sit in front of that eventide. Thank you for sharing it today! Life is upside down for me right now - otherwise I'd try to offer something for your spring padlet. I'm behind on SJT - and long to settle down there, too. This week!

  11. So much beauty! Thank you! Ruth,

  12. Finding solace in nature is how we make this dance of life hopeful. Thanks for a beautiful respite space.

  13. Nature is full of juxtapositions, isn't it? I think that is part of what makes nature so awe inspiring, Carol. Thank you!

  14. Carol, this revelation that you loved dance all of your life surely correlates to your natural poetic rhythms and grace - always aesthetic and expressive. My heart dances, reading your words. These especially speak to me: "Whether you find stillness in nature or energetic joy, be mindful that all things were made by the Divine. We need to honor Earth and protect it as we dance with hope and journey onward." Indeed it is, and indeed we do - thank you for this beautiful reminder and all the spiritual sustenance you offer along life's way.
