
Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Slice of Life's Sweet Delights

"Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time."  -Charles Schulz

Isn't summer a wonderful time of the year? I remember those summer nights when dinner was over and children yearned for ice cream. What are your memories of ice cream treats when you were a child? See if they are similar to mine.

Remember those
humid summer nights
with mosquitoes biting,
no air conditioning,
and moonlight sightings?
Remember the
ice cream man
rolling through our neighborhoods
ringing a bell and stopping?
We kids swarmed around for cool bitings.
Remember our family
jumping in their car?
Roadside stands weren't far?
Oh, I remember how we smiled
when given a treat
after we ate our dinner meat.
Sweet summertime delight,
I remember it well.
This summer we repeat the scene
as grandkids indulge in ice cream.
©CVarsalona, 2023

Digitized photo of my 3-year-old granddaughter holding her blue ice cream.

This weekend, the family tried a new dining place with absolutely delicious seafood. Under the pavilion across the street, delightful music played. The weather was warm, not scorching, but we all longed for cooling ice cream treats. What did we do after dinner? Of course, we drove to an ice cream stand. There was a cow with a hollowed area for children to snuggle in as they waited for their treats. The line was long so they played by the cow until the newest flavor of ice cream, Cookie Monster, was scooped into kiddie cones. We watched the girls enjoy their delicious treats as we did ours. Photos were shot since the little girls' faces looked like they were face painted. Blue Cookie Monster ice cream was all over their lips and chin. What a delightful sight for a summer night!
Good-To-Know Fact: "As the summer heats up, snacking options cool down. Americans report ice cream as their favorite summer treat." Do you know that July is National Ice Cream Month and July 16, 2023 is National Ice Cream Day? Enjoy celebrating with America's favorite summer treat throughout July and into August. 
This is my Slice of Life Small Moment,
delicious enough to be repeated many times this summer.

Don't forget, "Life is like an ice cream cone, you have to lick it one day at a time." During this sunkissed summer season enjoy the luscious taste of ice cream and be grateful for family time and nature's bounty. 

Another ice cream poem is here.

Thanks to Two Writing Teachers for the space to write with a community of reflective writers.


  1. Carol, there is nothing as satisfying as an ice cream cone on a hot summer's day. The sound of the ringing bell through the neighborhood brought back memories. For us, though, it was the sound of the Mister Softee jingle filling the air. We would wait until his truck would reach our house. I am sure the girls looked adorable in their Cookie Monster ice cream face paint.

    1. Bob, you are right about the ice cream truck jingle. It was a fun time growing up with the sweet taste of ice cream and now we are reliving our childhood with our little grandgirls. Stay cool!

  2. The last two lines of your poem are just perfect! The pleasure of ice cream multiplies when spread over generations.

    1. Fran, thanks for commenting. It is fun for our family to have everyone enjoying ice cream treats.

  3. Ice cream is such a summer staple. I’m sure your sweet poem got many people thinking about their own memories.

    1. I would like to think that everyone who reads this will reflect on the pleasures of family interests in ice cream. I wish I knew who this comment is from.

  4. This is a great way to spend summertime -eating ice cream, and I love your digitized photo of your granddaughter holding her cone. I wanted ice cream tonight, because I took my grandson to see the new Indiana Jones movie and there's a scene of going for ice cream......but we skipped the sweets and now I wish we had stopped! Always go for the ice have the right idea!

    1. Saturday will be the next time for ice cream, Kim. In the morning I am chairing a special event at our community-a Kids Summer Fun Fest. After that my 3 grandgirls and family are staying with us for an barbecue after the fun fest. I am looking forward to the event and of course, having my little girls enjoying the day. Skipping sweets especially when it's ice cream is hard to do, Kim.

  5. Oh my gosh your story was great and inspiring. I LOVE your ice cream quote and plan to embrace ice cream desserts for the rest of the month!!! Thank you for the joy of eating an ice cream cone! :)

  6. Debbie Lynn, thanks for stopping by. I now need to add extra exercise sessions in order to keep up with the ice cream intake. Be joyful as you indugle celebrate National Ice Cream Month.
