
Friday, January 19, 2024

It's a Snow Day

Snow fell silently in the night becoming the first snowfall this year. I was surprised when I woke to a beautiful scenario. Fresh white snow blanketed Earth reminding me of New York winters.

First Snowfall

winter storm
breaks the record
newborn snow cradles earth
©CVarsalona, January 2024
brings smiles
to grandgirls' faces
even in the cold
©CVarsalona, January 2024

Winter's Second Shift
watercolor scene
evokes fond memories
of pristine virgin snow 
©CVarsalona, January 2024

Snow still falls late on this winter afternoon. There has been a steady stream of downward movement. Only the plowed streets show the wear of trodden movements. It's quiet and serene. No sounds break the silence that nature provides. Peace on Earth is gratefully accepted, as is another artistically rendered peaceful scene sent to me from artist/poet, Michelle Kogan.
old growth forests...
let's flourish them through many
©Michelle Kogan


After a long week of snow cancellations, doctor visits, and family paperwork, I am pleased to enjoy a few moments of nature's peaceful snowstorm (#2) with Poetry Friday's host Robyn Hood Black. As I and two neighbors prepare to host our community's Winter Wonderland Tea Party, I am also pleased to read through Robyn's Tea Time blog. What a serendipitous happening!
Thank you Robyn for this beautiful translated haiku by Issa.
rising into
the year's first sky...
tea smoke

There's more poetic goodness at Robyn's blog, Life at the Deckle Edge. Enjoy the weekend. Snow seems to be the major headline in many parts of the USA.


  1. You're probably long in bed, Carol, but I'm glad to read your happy words about snow and see the wonderful pictures! The 'long' view, the girls' faces, and that final snowy PF, snow smiles from you to me! Thanks, hope the weekend is lovely!

    1. Linda, thank you for your comments. The snow seems to be stuck this morning and I am eager to go outside soon to see if I am right since the Weather app says 17 degrees. BRRR! but it is cozy inside. Stay warm.

  2. Hooray! I'm so glad you are enjoying the snow. It's pretty and gives us all a wonderful pause in the business of getting back to life as usual after the holidays. I love the smiles on the grand girls are a fortunate Nona!

    1. Linda, 17 degrees is shown on my Ecobee System. I am preparing for a very cold day. Your comment warmed my heart. The girls are in WVA for their skiing weekend while I prepare with my friends for our Ladies Tea in our Clubhouse. Enjoy the frigid weekend and be sure to pause!

  3. Diane (newtreemom)
    The grand girls in the snow- true inspiration for poetry! And a Winter Wonderland Tea Party… can’t wait for the poem that will bring!

  4. Carol, what a lovely snowfall, and I love your description of it, as it brings back memories for me. It's been a lot of years since I've been in that "peace on earth" quiet cover of "newborn snow cradl(ing) earth." Wonderful post. Enjoy your tea party!

  5. I love your photos and poem-notes. Isn't it true that for many of us, snowfall brings nostalgia?!?!

  6. Happy snow! I love that snow evokes nostalgic memories for you. It is hard to be ambivalent about snow -- it makes me happy both being in it and sheltered from it. It looks like you all had a great time creating that snowman!

  7. Love that so many of us are experiencing snow!!! :)

    1. Last evidence of a snowstorm is washing away today!

  8. How wonderful is winter? And winter with grandgirls...even sweeter! Enjoy!

  9. I'm savoring so many words here "uninterrupted" (so fittingly long) "grandgirls" and "newborn snow cradles earth/nostalgia"--you've brought this California reader some sweet snow nostalgia.

  10. Glad you got some snow and that your grandgirls are enjoying it. I admire how you find just the right words to evoke the beauty in nature that you see all around you, Carol.

    1. Even the wet pavements are worth a look!-Carol V.

  11. Snow days! I know that your grandgirls love them. I enjoyed the winter poems, Carol.

  12. You are always one to appreciate - and share! - Nature's wonders, Carol. What joyous pictures and lovely words. Hope you get a chance to exhale this week.

    1. Robyn, I keep telling myself to inhale-pause-exhale but last night at 3:40 AM I could not go back to sleep. I guess there is a good deal on my mind, beside poetry.
