
Friday, March 8, 2024

Just One of Those Days

I have been working on a new-to-me-poem format for a few weeks. Have you ever tried many times to complete something that just would not gel? Here is my dilemma. I wanted to try to compose an Abracadabra poem. Unlike the phrase used in magical tales, the wish did not come easily as a 1-2-3. 

To make an Abracadabra poem with the proper rhyme scheme I needed to take out the "r"s in the word. I was left with an abacadaba rhyme making a 9-line poem also called a Magic 9 poem. While recuperating from a sinus-respiratory infection I have spent several weeks indoors. Every week, I have tried multiple times to create this poem. I went through draft after draft and finally settled on the following digital inspiration. The vase filled with flowers became the final inspiration that pushed me forward.

Abracadabra! Did you know that this word originally was part of Mesapotamia's Aramaic language? The phrase "avra kedabra" translates to "I create as I speak".  May you enjoy the magic of this poem that I send out to my Poetry Friday and Slicer friends. Excuse the lateness of this poem but I fell asleep this afternoon after a week of trying to get back into the flow of life.

 is hosted this week by
 a very talented kid-lit author, poet, and friend, Laura Purdie Salas.
She introduces us to her new book, Oskar's Voyage so
click here to read Laura's blog post. 
There are links to bring you to other writers' posts. 
Enjoy the Poetry Friday Roundup!

This blog post is also part of the Two Writing Teachers Slice of Life Story Challenge.
Day 8

Click here to read Slicers' Slice of Life for Day 8 of the writing challenge.

NOTE: I will travel to different blog posts and leave comments throughout the weekend.


  1. I struggle writing with any kind of poetry! What a lovely poem you ended up with. Hope you are feeling better!

  2. Carol, it is frustrating when things don't go the way we want them to do. I think that is one of the reasons I don't write poetry that fits a particular pattern. Although it took many tries, the poem you came up with offers an abundance of wishes to all who read it. Yours words fit beautifully with the image you found. Hope you're feeling better. Bob

    1. Bob, I am glad that you gave me a nod about the poem's words fitting with the image I created using the tool Graphite. This was a tough struggle getting the poem to where I wanted but now I see the worht of continuing the draft process.

  3. Carol, well done. That Abracadabra poem is not easy, but the rhyming is nice. I like the sounds of "heartnote wishes" and "simple riches." I like the Aramaic "I create as I speak." Nice!

    1. Many thank, Denise. I have seen this version so many times that I am happy it is finally finished. I have another to share at another time. I do like how the poem melds nicely with the photo.

  4. I never knew that abracadabra means "I create as I speak," that that makes perfect sense! Thank you for sharing and for your lovely poem. I hope that you are feeling better!

    1. Tracey, I also did not know what abracadbra stands for. Thanks for the well wishes. I think I am turning a corner now but of course the allergy seasonis here and pollen count is high. i did not know that I needed to look on page 2 of your comment page to see if my response arrived. You now have 2 comments from me. Have a good weekend.

  5. I felt this way with a limerick I worked on... it felt like a billion drafts! So glad you pushed through and shared it with us. Happy Poetry Friday!

    1. Sarah, it is good to know that others have had struggles with poetic formats. I am happy that I finally got the poem written after several weeks. Have a wonderful weekend.

  6. Yes, I HAVE had that experience, Carol! Occasionally, there are forms I try that I just don't seem to be able to work with. They just feel unnatural for me. Kudos to you for your persistence. And "gobsmacked by love's touch"--what a fun and surprising line. Wishing you more energy and recovery!

    1. Laura, my energy is slowly returning but not at full speed. Thanks for sending the reminder and Zoom address for Monday's poetry session. I am looking forward to it. Will it be recorded? I would love to show my granddaughter Sierra.

  7. Sending you healing energy to finally get over your lingering illness, Carol. I have to say, so many poetry forms are a challenge for me - it's more surprising when things come easy! Ha! I'm glad you persevered and shared your bouquet of a poem.

    1. Bridget, thank you for sending your healing energy across the ocean to my house. My bouquet of flowers have a new look since some wilted. There is always a silver lining if we just take a look around. I hope the rain we have here brings springtime closer to us.

  8. Looks like your persistence paid off -- lovely poem, Carol!! Do hope you feel much better soon, too.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes, Jama. Persistence is tough but it does push me onward. Have a wonderful. Even on this rainy day with booming sounds, is a testament that nature is moving onward, just like me.

  9. Ugh! I'm sorry you've had to recover from sickness. I just hate how being sick slows me down. And, that's cool about the word, Abracadabra. Those sweetheart flowers did the trick of getting the words flowing. Lucky you!

    1. Linda, thanks for joining in. I feel better today even though the rainy weather kicked up the arthritis. Abracadabra-hold the magic wand and after so many rotations of the stick a surprise is sure to arrive. I think I will need another inspiration to create more magic. Perhaps, it is the big booms, thunder, and a touch of lightning to open the sky to a bundle of wishes.

  10. Oh wow, loved knowing the etymology of abracadabra as ""I create as I speak" - how awesome. I hope you are feeling much much better. Sending you healing thoughts and energies.

    1. I like that translation. In fact, I might use that as a blog prompt!

  11. Good for you Carol, for your persistence and perseverance––charming poem and lovely flowers too! I'll have to check this poem form out. Hope you continue to feel better, thanks!

    1. Thanks, Michelle. The flowers sparked my interest in try out this poem.

  12. I didn't know the origin of abracadabra! Your poem is lovely and you make it look like easy magic.

    1. I am working on another Abracadbra poem, Karen. My wish is to complete that poem without undue stress.
