
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March's Special Moments

While reflecting on my March slices, I realize that each heartnote I created evolved into a special moment. Join me as I gather the titles of each slice written during the 17th Annual March Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. I pause for a moment to decide what format I shall use before penning a quick pile-up poem that summarizes fourteen days of writing. 

new month
with new challenges
there was swimming glee
that gathered fun family goodness
a heartnote of praise to teachers
some slices were one of those days
another, a call to action on Women's Day
there was Oscar glam at the preshow jeweled event
shopping day with friends was pure fun followed by springlike
weather on a late winter day when I wrote Game On!
I celebrated National Reading Month with story time while wearing the green
and lastly, there was St. Paddy's Day cookie humor delivered by my grandgirl
some days I fell asleep while writing, other days I wrote of special moments.
©CVarsalona, March 2024

What shall I write next??? 

Stay Tuned.

In the meantime, visit other slicers at Two Writing Teachers, the meeting place for reflective writers from across the globe. Click here.

Slice of Life Day 20.


  1. Carol, I love the format you chose to highlight your slice titles. Your life is filled with joy. Thank you for sharing your special moments with us. Bob
    Carol, your link at TWT doesn't work. It took me back to the TWT homepage.

    1. Bob, I just saw that Kim sent me a notification so I was able to change the url. I was so happy that I sliced early this morning and not late at night. Thanks for adding that my link was not right. Enjoy your spring day.

  2. Wonderful celebratory pile-up poem, Carol. I have been away from blogging and my writing communities for a while, as life piled up on me. It is so good to be back slicing again and reconnecting. It always amazes me that the more I write, the more I can think of to write; it's like exponential growth. In your ending words here: "What shall I write next?" - indeed, I am hardly through a post before my brain is writing another.

    1. Fran, it is wonderful to have long-distant friends who are writers. I like how you used pile-up in a different way to provide a reason why you have been away from writing. Have a wonderful week at school and home. Enjoy the little grands this springtime. I already chose the Easter dresses but that will be another blog

  3. I LOVE the format you chose which is both reflective and creative, It is SO important to stop and reflect about writing as well as living. OFTEN, we do not stop to reflect. I am trying hard to do so this month.

    1. During my years of teaching students and then teachers, I would always talk about reflection. It is so important. Thanks for joining me here.

  4. This is a creative format and a lovely way to remember your writing throughout the month. Fabulous!

    1. Kim Johnson - my name didn't post.

    2. Kim, thanks for finding my url error and I appreciate your comment.
