
Friday, April 12, 2024

Life Awakens in Spring

It's springtime in Virginia, a time to celebrate nature's transition to warmer weather and the burst of cherry blossom trees. In between sunshine moments, gray April showers sprinkle crystalline drops as nature takes center stage There are many reasons to celebrate springtime. For Poetry Friday nature lovers, poetry love is in the air. It swooshes across the open sky, echoes nature sounds, and opens hearts to the beauty of a spring day that quietly whispers in the wind. 
Morning Springs Open
morning light
streams in
unfolding spring's verdant palette of green
hidden buds buried in earthen soil sprout
breathe in
nature's perfume
peace surrounds
©CVarsalona, 2024, trinet poem

Are you ready to sing praises for a spring morning?
I invite you to be creative.
Snap a spring photo that speaks to you.
Write a poem and mesh the two together.

JOIN ME at The
Padlet, the container for my next
Poetry Parade Gallery of Artistic Expressions

Thank you, Denise Krebs, for being the first colleague to add your spring image poem to the Poetry Parade Padlet.


I am now ready to join the Poetry Friday Roundup with this week's Poetry Friday host, poet-educator friend Jone Rush MacCulloch. She is sharing a fabulous interview with Carol Labuzzetta, the publisher of a new anthology, Picture Perfect Poetry: An Anthology of Ekphrastic Nature Poetry for Students. I am honored to have several poems and a nature photo in Carol Labuzzetta's book.


  1. Carol, what a springful post! Thanks for all the Virginia beauty. Something I miss here are those trees that you can't help but "breathe in / nature's perfume" So beautiful! Thanks for featuring my poem. I don't think camouflage was the right word for what trees do when they hide nests! Is there a word for that, I wonder?

    1. Denise, I just found two of your image poems for the Poetry Parade Padlet. How exciting. Thank you.

  2. “Morning Springs Open”- perfect title! I’m going to try to find something for the padlet!

    1. Diane, I would love one of your image poems to adorn the padlet wall.

  3. "Morning has broken" is a favorite song, Carol, love that and the idea of "breathe in/nature's perfume"! I'll try to get a poem to you soon! Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Linda, as I traveled to my daughter house to take card of the middle child, I realized that leaving the window open would be a bit risky. The temperature was in high and the winds were kicking around pollen. As much as I wanted to breath in nature's perfume, I restrained myself. LOL!

  4. I was particularly taken by your opening poem, Carol. I enjoyed the succinct line pattern that emerged and the use of strong verbs to do some important weight lifting on each line. It set up your Spring celebration.

    1. Alan, thanks for commenting. I did have fun writing a list poem after the inspirational thought. I also enjoy creating trinet poems that you shared in one of your posts.

  5. I love that image of light unfolding spring's palette--like a beautiful set of greens opening up. I added several poems to your Padlet. Maybe one will work for your Poetry Parade--delete any you care to! xo

    1. Laura, thank you for adding your poems. I was delighted to read each one. I forgot that you created a community poem based on friends' offerings. That was fun to reread the poem.

  6. A cavalcade of growth and welcome, Carol! Lush words. Images that bear song. Thanks for sharing your spring dance!

    1. Patricia, your words make me happy, especially the thought on words being a spring dance.

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you for joining me here, Mary Lee. Happy Spring to you also. Today, the weather is warm and sunlight pours in. At 3 ish the sky turned gray and showers began with hailstones. I was surprised but could not capture the scene fast enough.

  8. Hooray for spring! I am in love with the puffy cherry blossoms. I heard that the Japanese Prime Minister who was in town this week promise some more trees as some of those around the basin had to be culled.

    1. Linda, I did not know this about the Japanese prime minister and his promise. That is a true gift.

  9. Carol, I love the first three lines of your first poem,
    "morning light
    streams in
    unfolding spring's verdant palette of green" The only green here is the moss around the base of the trees and on stumps and such. I did take photos of it last week. Hopefully, more of the verdant palette is on the way to Wisconsin! Always a joy to read your work!

    1. Carol, thank you for your support. I do not see trees with moss as I walk the nature trail but there is a spot with felled trees and algae in a water body-interesting stops on the trail. I would like to share your anthology when I create the Poetry Parade Gallery.

  10. Love all the flowery goodness of this post – your beautiful pictures and poems and a little Cat Stevens for the cherry on top! Pure sunshine and happiness!

    1. Tracey, Cat Steven is always a trip backward in time with his beautiful voice and nature-loving feelings. Have a wonderful spring day.

  11. I adore the idea of poetry love swooshing across the sky on Spring breezes. Happy Spring to you! I hope your padlet is full of Spring joy soon!

    1. Springs opens up the sky to amazing treats this month. Today, at the end of the rain, hailstones pounded down the patio.

  12. I am inspired to submit a poem for the photo of the trail on a spring day. Thank you for doing this.

  13. Carol, "peace surrounds" is the feeling I long for and love in spring. Such a beautiful time of year and you've captured the openness and rebirth so well.
