
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Stay in the Now

Burgeoning signs of spring cuddle the earth in warmth. Morning begins its ritual of awakening. A bluish, spring sky and its cottony puffballs of clouds float on by.  Time moves quickly so I pause to breathe in the essence of springtime. 

spring morning unfolds
blossoms drink in life's essence
stay in the now
©CVarsalona, 2024, haibun 
It's time to slowdown and stay in the now
as fellow slicer friend, Terje Akke from Estonia, would say. 
Small treasures from Estonia
Nature Photo by Terje Akke

On this last day of National Poetry Month, I will continue to watch the blossoms in my garden and on my Poetry Parade Padlet bloom. The above photo and the combined image poem below will be showcased on the padlet and be part of my new gallery of artistic expressions. Please add your offerings.

May spring's sunlit day and seasonal rains allow your garden to burgeon with joy.

 I now join the Tuesday Slice of Life at Two Writing Teachers, a meeting place for reflective writers.


  1. Carol, there is such joy in watching a garden come to life in the springtime. Where there were no signs of life, now it abounds. Where there were no hints of color, now it blooms. Purple and white lilacs line our yard filling the air with their sweet fragrance. Bob

    1. Bob, I discussed the addition of a summer crush hydrangea plant just because it brings delight. I have a lilac bush also that is starting to bloom. I always remembered the sweet sent of lilacs when I was a child. May your lilacs provide you with joy this season.

  2. You are so kind to share my photos. I am always grateful when you lift them with your words. With all your seasonal poetry-photo offerings you spread so much light and goodness in the world.

    1. Terje, I always welcome your artistry to my galleries so thank you once again for your gift of inspirational photos and words.
