
Friday, July 12, 2024

What I Didn't Know! - Spiritual Journey & Poetry Friday

Interestingly enough this month's Spiritual Journey hosted by Ruth Hersey, invites our community of writers to ponder a theme, I Don't Know. As Ruth states this is not a prompt so I mulled over this for a couple of weeks. There are so many I don't knows in my life right now so where do I start?

What I Didn't Know
I thought I would find glimmery moments
when springtime entered. The time was right
 for nature to offer buds eager to burst out.
Instead, the unexpected happened.
A slowdown began after outpatient surgery.
ICU became my launching pad for
repair surgery, pneumonia, and recovery.
A transfer to the med floor added another layer of stress.
Who likes a liquid diet and a disquieted stomach?
I did not know that my room would be a room of silence,
isolated from the outside world where
May buds were flourishing.
I spent hours pondering and questioning the whys.
Then two more infections became a reality.
 Each day seemed endless,
a never ending pool of medical issues,
called a clutter effect by one of the surgeons. 
What began as an easy, out-patient surgery
turned into a rollercoaster ride of evening nightmares.
I didn't know that a door opening could bring
staff with smiling faces and support.
While there are still times of fear and distress,
there're moments of thanksgiving and appreciation.
draft©CVarsalona, 2024
In the above worry journal poem, I wrote in an attentive melancholy way as mentioned in the wabi-sabi aesthetic that finds beauty in things imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete. 

I also learned that a wabi-sabi lifestyle
prizes maturity, depth, and wisdom over the vitality of youth.

Now is the time to speak of gratitude. Join me as I listen to the sweet sound
of Brandon Lake's voice as he sings his

Please find more sweet thoughts and poetic goodness
at both Ruth Hersey's blog

and Robyn Hood Black who has returned from her summer hiatus
at Life on the Deckle Edge to host the Poetry Friday Roundup.
Last week, was my first attempt at creating a wabi-sabi poem
with the Poetry Sisters and #PoetryPals.


  1. Carol, what you describe in your poem was my reality last summer. The trauma of it all has faded somewhat, but I still feel melancholy over how my body failed, how the medical field failed, and all that goes with worry about aging and health. Give yourself grace to feel what you feel. Gratitude is certainly present in the small things. I'm glad you felt safety here to write what you need to write.

  2. Carol, I love that Hallelujahs and Gratitude can be the outcome of I-don't-know's. And I also love the idea of a worry journal! I hadn't thought about isolating my worries to their own sacred space... I may have to try this, too. Here is to peace and healing and making friends with uncertainty.

  3. Carol, I'm so sorry for your medical issues that seemed never-ending. You captured the despair and sadness of this time well in your worry journal. I love your "What I Learned From My Life-Pause." Finding the learning in our difficult times leads to wisdom and growth.Here's to continued good health amid the imperfections of our time.

  4. Carol, I am sorry that problems were compounding for you. It is hard not to question “Why me?” when things like this happen. Take comfort in knowing that you are not alone. We all offer you our healing thoughts and prayers. More importantly, God has you covered. Take the time you need for yourself. Wishing you well. Bob

  5. I am happy that you have made it to the end of that tunnel of illness and despair, Carol. Your strength shines through in your post, finding ways for self-care, like the worry journal. I am sorry for this long and challenging time and hope each day finds you better and better. Looking for the goodness in the midst of all shows such strength! "Hallelujah" for you!

  6. You learned some hard, but important lessons from your "Life-Pause." Wow. What a journey. Here's to your health continuing to rebound!

  7. So glad to hear you are making a full recovery and regaining your strength! Thank you for sharing your story of healing and hope.

  8. Amen to learning "a wabi-sabi lifestyle prizes maturity, depth, and wisdom over the vitality of youth". The Gratitude song is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing your story of unexpected illness and setback with the hope and healing that followed. So much to be grateful for!

  9. Oh goodness, Carol, that's a lot to go through. Thank you for taking the overwhelm and transforming it into a poem that speaks to others as well as affirms your experience. Prayers for a healthy summer and beyond for you!

  10. I'm so glad that you're sharing the worry and hard times you've been going through--and also the lessons and strength gained. Hugs, Carol! Happy to see you here!

  11. Here's to continuing to emerge, Carol. May the doors continue to open!

    1. I opened the door this morning and felt the sun snuggling me. I wait for another door opening with rain tumbling down to bring drinks of water to my flowers. Ermeging will be a pleasure for me. Thank you.
