
Tuesday, August 13, 2024


As summer rolls on, so does nature's changeable weather patterns. Meteorologists consistently offer news that challenges our patience. What is the best time for a relaxing family vacation before school doors open? We wonder and plan but the weather reports are not always accurate. 

I was intrigued by The Inkling's challenge for the first Friday of August. Host Catherine Flynn presented an invitation for everyone to join the 2024 Poet Laureate, Ada Limón’s Poet Laureate project, “You Are Here.” You can read more about the project on The Library of Congress website. The prompt asked that poets and non-poets respond to the question that asks, "What would you write in response to the landscape around you"? 

I Am Here

In the steamy "dog days" of August,
Summer salutes life with
golden streams of morning bliss.
Here, I find the historical presence of Cape May, NJ,
esteemed as the oldest seaside resort in America-
my place to pause and relax.
I find solace in the imperfect weather
where a billowy, marshmallow
pattern transforms the sky.
Droplets descend.
Nature shifts her perspective as
sunlight peeks through clouds.
Land and sea rest.
Choice opens a pathway
under nature's canopy.
I am here at the shore   
renewed by sunshine and sprinkles.
Summer welcomes nature's joy
At each pause, I savor the
artistic presence of vivid sights
when nature meets shore.
©CVarsalona, 2024, image poem series

The above poem is highlighted with picturesque photos of the Cape May Jersey Shore and my thoughts on the marvelous landscapes that recently surrounded me during my family's beach vacation.

This summer has been a series of medical ups and downs that did not provide enough space for me to join Two Writing Teachers for Tuesday's Slice of Life. Today, I am delighted to write alongside educator friends.


  1. Carol, what a lot of beauty in these poems with photos. Some of my favorite lines: "sunshine and sprinkles" "billowy, marshmallow / pattern" "when nature meets shore" And the photo with those last two photos are gorgeous. They make me want to be there to enjoy the sunset.

    1. Denise, it is interesting to hear that sunshine and sprinkles is one of you favorite lines. I played with those words and wondered if they were the right thoughts. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I'm working on my Summer Poem Swap to you.

  2. Carol, your pictures and words capture the joy of your vacation. All days might not be perfect weatherwise, but there is still beauty and joy to be found. I love this line "renewed by sunshine and sprinkles." because it reminds me that it not only takes sunshine to make things grow, but they must be watered as well. Here's hoping that as this last month of summer slowly wraps up so do your health problems. Bob

    1. Bob, thank you for the remarks and good health wishes. Our beach vacation was good release time from to-do lists. The weather is fine but I am tired so I am on slow mode once again. Enjoy the summer sun and all it has to offer.
