
Friday, October 4, 2024

Change & Transformation-Spiritual Journey & Poetry Friday

Today as I Grandmasit for my grandbaby, I ponder the theme, change and transformation, Leigh Anne Eck offered for October's Spiritual Journey writers. In addition, Lee Anne included a personal thought: "I love fall and all the goodness that comes with it. It gives us a time to reflect on the words 'change and transformation' and what this means to our natural world, our personal lives, and our faith."

Autumn is a magical season that transforms landscapes, shortens days, brings cooler weather, and provides reflection time. Migratory patterns begin, and trees change color. "There is something so special in the early leaves drifting from the trees–as if we are all to be allowed a chance to peel, to refresh, to start again."(Ruth Ahmed) This week, rains continued and leaves scattered across the driveway and sidewalk waiting for recognition. I found a single leaf with a tinge of color. It reminded me of Autumn's beauty, even when its leaves wither.  

Falling leaves also remind me of the importance of letting go. If trees can shed their leaves during Autumn, I must be willing to release old habits and beliefs. Embracing change is a process that will bring calmness to my life. A slowdown pace would be beneficial instead of a hustle and bustle life. Shedding the old and making room for new growth 

"Falling leaves are nature's way of showing us how beautiful it is to let things go."

 As for faith, Romans 12:2 tells us not to conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. "Then, you will be able to test and approve what God's will is."  Lately, the patterns of this world are mixed up so rethinking my actions would be beneficial as would letting go of stress.

creekside pathway ends 
leaves scatter in fall's light
enchanted autumn
©CVarsalona, 2024

Last year, I walked the Creekside trail. The photo above shares the path that does not continue past the bridge. I was in awe of Autumn's scattered leaves waiting to change. If nature can change then I can also. I shall embrace the opportunity for personal growth this Autumn.  

Tabatha Yeatts is the host of Poetry Friday this week.
She shares a photo from a neighbor who photographed the perched owl
that she also saw. She also offers a poem, Murmuration.

"In every leaf, there's a whisper of autumn's magic."


  1. Thanks Carol, for the beautiful pumpkin-spice colored reminder of the beauty of fall in your poem and the reminder that it brings of letting go. If we look hard enough, nature tells us all we need to know. Have a great day! Cathy

    1. Cathy, thanks for stopping by and offering a lovely comment. Nature tells us all we need to know.-lovely thought!

  2. Carol, I like the idea of, "Shedding the old and making room for new growth." Too often we hold on to things from our past that upset us or hurts caused by others that we refuse to let go. I believe that this kind of holding on inhibits us from growing, from seeing and accepting all the good that happens in our lives. How can we move on and blossom if the past is holding us back? Bob

    1. Bob, your response to my October SJT post is filled with inspiration. Your question, How can we move on and blossom if the past is holding us back?, will be a great one to ponder before sleep tonight. Thanks for your thoughts.

  3. I love the "palettes required", Carol. Even with the rain-soaking, I enjoy your finding beauty everywhere. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Linda, I found this poem in one of my blogs and knew that it would make for a lovely ending to my post. I have always been a lover of color-hence the word palette appears at various times.

  4. Mmm...a slow down pace...Carol, I love that your reflections are always full of gentle reminders for self-care --and for faith. We are on a last hustle-bustle of vacation, the last of 8 weddings this year, and then packing up the mountains and returning to our desert life. I look to that future for the slow down! Mid-autumn!

    1. Patricia, thank you for joining me. The slow-down is an essential part of life, even in the busiest time. Autumn always invites me to thoroughly enjoy its sights. Your summer weddings must bring back sweet memories. Enjoy the fall.

  5. I love that gorgeous creekside path. It looks so inviting!

    1. Marcie, the nature pathway is one way of feeling peaceful in any season. Have a wonderful day.

  6. Thank you, Carol. So many truths in your calming post.

    1. Thank you, Rose. Today is a beautiful fall day here in Virginia. I hope you have a day like this where you live.

  7. Thanks for all the beauty you shared here, lovely photos, poems, inspiring quotes. I like the mention of letting go, embracing change, and de-stressing.

    1. Jama, de-stressing is my top concern to bring about change and transformation. I will switch over to your post to find another delightful means of de-stressing. Thanks.

  8. This is why I love each season,. Each brings its unique style of change and transformation. I would love to walk by that creeek.

    1. The Lord sends us the beauty of each season and nature is the overseer. Thanks for joining me here. The creekside trail is such a soothing one.

  9. Beautiful, Carol. Enchanted autumn indeed. ❤️

    1. Karen, as you can see. I love Autumn and today is a perfect example.

  10. "If nature can change then I can also." Yes! You remind me of my One Little Word for the year, Carol -- "Open." It sounds like you are open to transformation.

    1. Today is a day of beautiful fall weather. I am open for a day of joy, Tabatha. I hope you are too.

  11. Fall is my favorite season, Carol. Thank you for these lovely reflections. I adore the idea of fall as a time to peel away our old selves. And I also love your scattering leaves!

    1. Laura, It is always a treat to hear from you, Laura. I sit here looking out from my window enjoying the blue sky and humidity free weather.

    2. Laura, I see that my comment to you is missing. Thank you for stopping by on 10/5. Leaves are still scattering around but now there is a chill in the air. It is wonderful that fall is finally showing its transitional path.

  12. Thanks for sharing your love for autumn, Carol. I, too, love the season. I love the unknown author quote you shared:
    "Falling leaves are nature's way of showing us how beautiful it is to let things go."
    I always find your posts uplifting.

    1. Thank you, Carol. I hope you received my comments on your sites. I did not see them go through. That is why I sent my comment to your contact page.

  13. I always appreciate an autumn walk with you, Carol. I am lingering on your words about the importance of letting go and the patterns of the world. There is much in this world to mix us up and burden us. I have been trying to work on "learning the unforced rhythms of grace" (a paraphrase from Matthew 11 in The Message). A shedding of what does not serve me well for the sake of serving well, a reminder that our need for God and one another is greater than anything which tries to divide us. You always impart your messages with beauty and grace. They are a real and true help along this spiritual journey of continual transformation. Thank you for every line.
