
Thursday, February 6, 2025

Poetry Friday Roundup Is Here!


Let's gather to honor "love as the poetry of the senses"!

(Honore de Balzac)


To honor Valentine's Day, a love note to the rest of the year (Jo Lightfoot), I offer you my heartnotes to savor. I also invite you to create heartnotes / love notes to add to my Heartnotes Padlet for public viewing.


lift up your heart
residing within the soul
wrap it in love
©CVarsalona, 2025

This heartnote is a Love's Message postcard from 1912. There is no message on the back, just an address. I created the haiku based on an inspirational thought: Love in all its complexity, is the ethereal beauty that resides within the human soul.
The above image poem/ekphrastic poem came from nature's surprise as I walked out the door. Voltaire wrote, Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. The photo is a heartnote to winter on a FotoJet canvas. My imagination allowed me to meld the photo and word choices into another love message.
"Love is the greatest refreshment in life." - Pablo Picasso

May everyone enjoy the A Gift of Love postcard sent in 1911.

Love is magical
Gift of one heart to another
souls unveiled
©CVarsalona, 2025

Please add your link below.

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!


  1. Very pretty, Carol! Thanks for rounding us up. Here's a love quote for you:
    The things that we love tell us what we are.
    Thomas Aquinas

    1. Tabatha, thanks for the inspirational quote. I posted it to the Heartnotes Padlet at from you.

  2. These are all lovely, Carol! I can't get the inlinkz to work. I'm in today with a singing Valentine poem

    1. Linda, your poem, Singing Valentine, is delightful. I placed it on the Heartnotes Padlet with your name attached. I am sorry that you had trouble adding your name to the inlinkz.

  3. Nice, Carol! Thank you so much for hosting us this week. I appreciate the cheerful Valentine spirit of the roundup.

    1. Susan, thanks for the comment and your interesting post this week.

  4. Thanks for the love bouquet this week and for rounding us up, Carol!

    1. Jama, I was so happy to read all the beautiful blog posts that came my way. Happiness is having writing friends like you.

  5. "Souls unveiled" — lovely, Carol!
    Thanks for hosting, and here's a quote: "Who, being loved, is poor?" ~ Oscar Wilde

    1. Karen, thank you for your inspirational quote. I added a photo from FotoJet along with your name for the Heartnotes Padlet. You can find it at

  6. Thanks for hosting today, Carol, and for sharing all these beautiful words and images. I especially love the Voltaire quote.
    FYI: I've shared my link (after several tries!) but the post won't actually go live for a few hours yet.

    1. Carmela, I just finished reading your post that is wonderful for adults and children to read. Unfortunately, your blog for today did not connect so I will place the link here for others to read. It is a "don't miss" blog post that I would like everyone to see. Carmela's Link for Today:

    2. Thanks so much, Carol. The link seems to be working now.
      And thanks for your comment on my post. I hope the children enjoyed my Good Things poem. I'd love to know how it went.

  7. Wasn't sure how to add this to the padlet, but here's my quote: "The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

    Thanks for hosting, Carol, and for all these wonderful sentiments!

    1. Matt, thank you for the inspirational quote. I paired it with gorgeous winter scenes and placed on the padlet.. You can take a look at your offering at

  8. Carol, what a lovely post. I like how in love "souls unveiled" can happen. Your photos and poems are sweet. The icy photo was a great capture, and I love thinking of winter perfecting the scene: "nature's artwork / perfected by winter's love"

    1. Denise, when my son and I walked out the door to PT, we were amazed by the icicles on my tree. I have not see icicles since I moved from NY. It was a breathless scene. Then, as we moved along the road to PT we saw another magnificent scene-rows and rows of trees dipped in white. Derek said it was a winter wonderland. I knew that I would not see the icicles later on so I made sure I took a snapshot of nature's beauty.

  9. Thank you, Carol, for slowing us down to savor all these thoughts of love, your own also and the treasures & quotes from long ago. Beautiful images, too. Happy Valentine's Day/Season to you, and appreciations for hosting us this week with your usual panache!

    1. Robyn, thank you for stopping by and commenting on my post. I have a small ephemera collection for Valentine's Day. It is one of my treasures. I will read your blog tomorrow and respond.

  10. All beautiful, Carol, after a week filled with tough news, calming down with loving words is a special things. Yes, "Love is a canvas." Thanks for hosting and offering all the gorgeous things in your post!

    1. Linda, thank you for your thoughts. I am in love with Valentine's Day and happy to share my love and other's thoughts with anyone who reads this post. May we all find love in our hearts despite the roaring issues of today.

  11. Thank you for hosting today, Carol, and for sharing these sweet love notes!

    1. Catherine it is so good to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by.

  12. Those old Valentine cards are simply charming. Years ago in our last 200+ year old home, we found one with some old papers and gave it all to the local historical society. Now you have me wishing I'd taken a photo of the card! Thanks for your poetry and photos, this respite and for hosting this week. Wishing you the best of Valentine Days!

  13. Lovely! I had to go outside and take photos of the ice-glazed trees too!

  14. Thank you for all the love, Carol. The postcards are lovely and so inspirational. Thanks for hosting today. Feel free to add my trinet to your padlet if you like (not sure how to do that).

    1. Rose, thank you for your trinet. The thought is lovely and the background is sharing a touch of love. I see it on the Heartnotes Padlet.

  15. Thank you for hosting us, Carol, with this love-filled post! I have a shoebox full of antique postcards, and you've got me wondering if there are any Valentines hidden in the stash. Also, how many unwritten poems might be inspired by those postcards!

    1. Mary Lee, when I was a reading specialist in an elementary school, I shared my antique postcards with the children. They laughed at some of the notes on the postcards as we read them. Some were even ready to write their own thoughts. I would love to hear if had and love notes in your pile. I am sure you would be inspired to write one or two. Have fun.

  16. The beauty in nature is endless, like your icy trees. "Beauty frozen in time." Lots of that kind of beauty here this week. :) Happy Valentine's week!

    1. Janice, Yes, on Wednesday nature shared its beauty. If you have a photo of the snow in Syracuse and a heartnote, I would love to share what snow looks like in my hometown.

  17. Love is what we need to get us through the tough times as well as the good. Thanks for sharing the padlet and hosting us today. Happy Valentine's Day.

  18. Carol, I'm so sorry that I don't know how to post a poem on Padlet, but here is my Google Search suggestions found poem on love:

    What is love bombing?
    What is love in the bible?
    What is love language meaning?

    Love could be a dream,
    Love could be lyrics.
    Love will keep us together.

  19. Thank you for hosting and for sharing all the LOVE! Just what we need right now. Sending a hug back to you!

  20. Beautiful Carol! Thank you for your LOVEly post, and the smiles it brings.

  21. Love is magical...and so are YOU! A thousand thank yous dear Carol! xo

  22. Lovely and love-filled post Carol, how could I miss this one! Thanks for hosting and filling all our hearts with yearning and inspiration! Happy Valentine's Day!

  23. oooooh, such a luscious collection of lovey-dovey, Victorian style Valentines. I like the feeling of a past era in all of them. They are honestly sweet. Thanks for hosting this week. I woke up late today (hooray! I love getting some extra sleep on a weekend) and am diving into warm, cozy poetry as it snows and sleets outside. Lucky me!

  24. What lovely lovenotes! I especially like "wrapped in love." And those icicles! <3
