Tuesday, February 7, 2017

What's Next?

I read the tweets and headlines from educators, journalists, and legislators and then saw the 12 p.m. vote today and thought: 

How will education look in the future? 

I am not sure. What I do know is that committed, passionate educators with growth mindsets will continue to move forward bringing joy to classrooms while filling public schools with inspiration and pride. 

For America's Children, our Future!

The timing was right for the following article, A Texas kid spotted a rattlesnake in the toilet - and then the snake-removal crew found 23 more, to become the prompt for today's #10FoundWords, a private Facebook writing community. If interested in joining the writers, please contact Laura Shovan, the poet who created the project. 

My offering for today's #10FoundWords is below. The poem is developed from the 10 words chosen as the prompt from the article: clump, toilet, rattle, cellar, camouflage, killing, surprise, dens, shovel, cryptic.

Winter Surprise

Imagine this:

Within the underpinnings
Of the privy, a clump
Swishes up the
Toilet on its way
To making havoc.
A slittering rattler
Greets day as an
Resident shrieks
In defense of life.

Fierce women power
to the rescue,
Superhero Mom
With shovel in hand,
Kills the encroacher
Only to discover a
Secret den of
Cryptic snakes
Camouflaging their

Those inexperienced
stay clear. Experts
Needed for the fix.

©CVarsalona, 2017

Today is Slice of Life Tuesday at Two Writing Teachers.
I offer a slice of thoughts today.

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