
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Snow Waltzes into Winter

Because it is difficult to let go of the words swirling like the snow, I continue to compose along with other Poetry Friday writers. My mission is simple. As part of my #oneword initiative, I search my surroundings for small moments of wonder to capture and then spread to release a spirit of joyfulness like the butterflies that flutter. 

Snow is the topic of conversation around the country but today there is a distinct change of spirit in the New York City area. People are filled with lightheartedness. There is a spark of energy in their walk and the meteorologist has a smile on his face. All of this is attributed to the dramatic change in weather patterns. 

Today, the temperature on Long Island rose to 65 degrees and broke the record high set in 1890. The snow pattern has been erratic so I decided to capture snow as a lead character in my poetry writing. 



it crept in slowly

poised for its gentle descent-
vanished in the night


it left its dusting-
marginal amount sparkling
rain kissed it goodbye


Since I was housebound with a horrible sinus infection when the snowstorm finally arrived I could only view the frost and snow mounds from my window. The snow glistened in the darkness as the Christmas lights, still lit, reflected a serene sight. I wrote the above Part 3 haiku as a tribute to what I witnessed from my window view. Then, the rains came.

Snow waltzed into my life and waltzed back out but winter is still present.

What does winter look like in your part of the world? Does it allow you to find a poetic lens to look through? If so, I am designing an invitation to my next gallery, Winter Wonder, and you are invited to write alongside me. For those who live in warm weather climates, winter takes on a different look than the snowy scenes above. All perspectives are welcomed, though. 

If you access #WinterWonder17 on Twitter you will find some digital inspirations, photographs, and #imagepoems starting to appear. Stay tuned for my official invitation. In the meantime, enjoy the weather wherever you live. 

Please visit the Poetry Friday party at Keri Collins Lewis's blog that you can access here or here. Keri has an eye-opening video for all to watch that made me ponder how often I spend time embracing pure joy. Hence, the need to have joy as my guide on this year's journey. 

Thanks Linda Baie for the snowy Poetry Friday logo.

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