
Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Within the Silence

After I woke from another odd dream on Sunday morning, an uneasy feeling overcame me. With gratitude for the silence of the house, I started reading my morning book of inspiration. I began to settle into the stillness.  Words started popping into my head.

Within the silence 
this Sunday morning,
there is a gentle calm.
It floats in and out
centering my mind,
removing the clamor 
of the outside world.
I hear the hushed sleep
of a newborn's world.
I feel the placidity of a 
rippling lake in sunshine.
Within the quietness 
of this moment, I indulge
in the warmth of self-love,
feel the letting-go sway
of restless thoughts,
and bask in the splendor
of serenity and stillness.
Quietude has found me.
©CV, 2019

I took this poem to another level of creativity when I paired it with an inspiration quote on top of a digitized photo of a waterfall in autumn. 

What poured out was a definto poem, the format created by Heidi Mordhorst. A definito highlights wordplay as it demonstrates the meaning of a less common word, which always ends the poem. I do love the word quietude and realized after I wrote the above poem, that I created other definitos using the same word a few weeks ago. 

I am sharing these Tuesday thoughts, my slice of life, with Two Writing Teachers
while at a state ecuation conference.

The above digital inspiration will be part of the Abundant Autumn Gallery collection.


  1. Really nice and informative blog, keep it up buddy…

  2. Reading your slice gave me a moment of that quietude too. Thank you!

    1. We all need moments of total quiet to let us breathe deeply and form our ideas. Thank you for joining me in this process.

  3. I love the lines "the hushed sleep/ of a newborn's world" and "quietude" is a great word.

    1. Amanda, thanks for commenting on your likes. After a long day of PD at a state ed conference, I am longing for some quiet and a restful sleep. Heading over to read some slices now.
