
Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Autumn's Treasure

Each morning as a daily practice, I look out my window to see what nature has to offer. I eagerly watch earth's seasonal show before listening to the weather report or writing. Last week, gusts of wind blew relentlessly causing many leaves to fly helter-skelter. Luckily, after a couple of days of reported "winter-like" conditions, autumn returned with its beautiful changing colors. Yesterday, I woke to the following sight and realized that what I saw was a treasure of red and gold.

The word prompt for day 21 of the Inktober/Poemtober challenge was treasure so I spent considerable time reflecting and revising my thoughts. May your autumn days be filled with red and gold memories as illustrated by a favorite love song of mine.

This Tuesday Slice of Life writing places me in a nostalgic mood.
I never grow tired of watching autumn transform my neighborhood into a picture postcard.
If you have a favorite photo that you would like to design into an image poem for my Abundant Autumn Gallery of Artistic Expressions, please add it to the collection I am storing on Twitter.


  1. Your poems are always beautifully crafted and presented. Why do you use to "publish" your poetry? Your visual always adds a layer of meaning.

    1. Clare, I have fun creating image poems. For this one, I took the photo with my iPhone. Then, used FotoJet to edit it; add text and a border. Sometimes, I use PicMonkey. I also play around with Buncee. It's a process. I spend a good deal of time trying to come up with the right words to best express my thoughts. I am also playing around with different forms of poetry.

  2. "Earth's seasonal show," like you I love the changing of the seasons and autumn is my absolute favorite. Thanks for sharing the song, one I hadn't thought of or heard in a long time.

    1. I know that you love the changing of seasons. Autumn is the season for gratitude. Have a great fall weekend, Ramona.

  3. Autumn days filled with red and gold memories - I love the line. We have mostly golden here in Estonia, very little red.

    1. Thanks for checking in with me, Terje, and enjoying the line you chose from my blog. I decided to use it in the prose section of my gallery. Can you please share an autumn photo of yours, a golden fall day in Estonia, for Abundant Autumn Gallery?

  4. Great photo. Our colors are muted- or not at all- this year.
