
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Inktober's Digital Magic

When autumn meets my digital brush, 
the screen lights up with colors that suit my mood and noticings. 
Poetry often flows from the wonder of what I see but lately, I have been intrigued by #Inktober's word prompts. While not following each day's prompts as one would expect, I have played with digital tools to create as many #digitalinspirations/#imagepoems as time allowed. My #digipoetry offerings were created using @Buncee, @Fotojetapp, @PicMonkey and showcased at my blog or on Twitter and other social media sites. 

A listing of what I accomplished this month for #Inktober and #Poemtober follows.
Today, I finished the revision of my combined Inktober Day 7 & 15 animated poem, Enchanted Forest, that I created on Buncee here.  The still version is below. 
Inktober Day 17 showcased at my blog post, Apple Picking Memory.
Inktober Day 21 showcased at my blog post, Autumn's Treasure.
Inktober Day 22 showcased at my blog post, Ghosts Night Out.
Inktober Day 27 showcased at my blog post, I πŸ’—New York in Autumn.
Inktober Day 30, showcased at my Buncee dashboard, Halloween Fright Night.
Poemtober digital poems showcased at my Buncee dashboard, Pre-Halloween Poetry Fun and 
Howl Chant.
You can find these digital inspirations and many more from the at the Abundant Autumn Global Gallery of Artistic Expressions. 
Now turn your attention to the amazing Tabatha Yeatts, host of Poetry Friday this week. I can't wait to see what poetry goodness she has in store for us.


  1. I am sad our autumn days exploding with color are gone now, Carol. How I love your creations and the words!

    1. Linda, I can't believe you have fall snow falling when we are still celebrating the beauty of autumn. The winds left a coldness in the air but the suns is shining brightly. Thanks for your comment.

  2. What beautiful creations, Carol. I envy your skills and talent with those digital tools. Such gorgeous autumn images and words.

    1. Jama, thanks for stopping by and commenting. I am having quite a bit of fun trying out new styles for my photographs to make autumn pop.

  3. What a great idea to play around with digital tools to spark the visual part of your brain! Love the resulting marriage of words and images.

  4. Love your line, "walkers tour the sights." I've certainly been part of this group. I'm seeing more and more bare trees and relishing the last bits of color in our area. Love your jack-o-lantern perched on Poetry Friday. I wish I had your skills. I need an intensive class with you so I can learn just a bit of what you know about playing with digital tools.

    1. I love playing with digital tools. It takes time and patience. My grad students spent 4 days with me this summer and they learned so much. I wish we were lived closer together.

  5. How how your play is also art. Keep it up, kid!

  6. I have enjoyed your digital masterpieces for Inktober/Poemtober. Those animations are delightful.

  7. We still have glorious colours all over the place here, but the branches are beginning to show. It is inspirational! I agree with Kay that your animations are delightful.

  8. Oooh! Everything here is perfect for the season. Lovely!

    1. Thanks for joining me here at my #Poemtober/#Inktober digitals.

  9. Love the "wicked" image and poem you created–Looks like you had fun this last month, thanks Carol!
