
Monday, October 7, 2019

Sunset Blessing

Evening settles on the lake-
shimmers and glows,
Moments adjust
to hues
against the sky.
Night is
©CVarsalona, 2019


When my poetry colleague, Margaret Simon, sent me her gorgeous sunset for my #EmbraceableSummer Gallery collection I challenged myself to write a zeno poem, a poetic format created by master poet, J. Patrick Lewis. This format is tricky because it not only follows a formula of a mathematical sequence of 8,4,2,1,4,2,1,4,2,1  syllables per line but also adds rhyming to each 1 syllable line. After creating many drafts, I felt perplexed and decided to step away from the process for a while. When I returned to writing, I was determined to complete the poem. 

I would gladly accept any thoughts on this zeno that I finally wrote. 
You can listen to the poem at Vimeo at

I am sharing these Tuesday thoughts, my slice of life, with Two Writing Teachers.
Happy Autumn!

The above photo and poem will grace the walls of my #Embraceable Summer Gallery collection found on Twitter. You can find other sunset photos and poetry from around the globe at: and


  1. Aw, Carol! I am so touched. What a beautiful zeno! Night is blessed!

    1. Margaret, thank you for providing me with a gorgeous and peaceful sunset image to ponder. While it took many attempts to finish the zeno, I was determined to persevere. Your parents' home provided you with a window into a joyful world. It was my hope to grace the photo with a blessing that would create a lasting impression.

  2. Beautiful poem. It's like a ballet - lots of exercise but all the hard work is not visible, the result is light.

    1. Terje, thank you for stopping by for our weekly conversation. I wish you continued blessings for a great school year. I started my regional professional development program with literacy leaders on Long Island and designing my sessions for special education teachers who have students who are not housed in the public schools but in special schools from all different districts. Thank you for your comment and the analogy.

  3. I enjoyed the picture and the poem. They are both absolutely beautiful.

    1. Tracy, thank you for stopping by and commenting. I wish you a beautiful day tomorrow.

  4. So much beauty here in your words - I especially love the treatment of time: "Moments adjust to hues pressed against the sky." The poem is a blessing - as it Margaret's photo. A perfect marriage of words, images, and mood.

    1. Fran, I am delighted that you joined me here. I do appreciate youur thoughts. It took me quite some time to come up with the thought you mentioned. I needed to massage the thought so it fit well within the context and was pleased when it finally arrived. Have a wonderful Wednesday.

  5. Beautiful poem and image. What an interesting poetic form. I'm sure it was a challenge to write a zeno poem, but it was worth the effort. I tried to pick out a favorite line, but I love all of it altogether. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. Thanks for stopping by my slice of life post, Susan. Zenos are tricky but it is a good challenge indeed.
