
Thursday, February 27, 2020

On a Cold-Smacking Day

Today, I woke to a chilly day. Tiptoeing my way to the bathroom, I felt the cold tiles under my feet, heard my husband asking for the quilt to hug around his shoulders. As I looked out the window, I saw trees dancing and heard the wind howling. It was a cold-smacking day, a descriptive backdrop for a sensory poem at Michelle H. Barnes' Ditty Challenge created by Buffy Silverman, the author of a new children's book, On a Snow-Melting Day.

On a Cold-Smacking Day

Loud morning sounds filter in 
orchestrating a wake-up tune
"Let this sun-shining day begin."
Sounds surround as birds croon.
Winter dances its syncopating step,
digging a fast tree-swaying,
blustery, wind-yowling rep.
Spring interjects on this cold-smacking,
winter-dancing, February morn.
Winter, can I please send you packing?
Answer, a brand-new thought is born!
©CV, 2020

"...only when one comes to listen, only when one is aware and still, can things be seen and heard." -Sigurd F. Olson

I'm heading to the theater but will leave this post for the Poetry Friday Round-up at our host, Karen Edmisten's blog. Last week, she shared a different approach to creating a black-out poem. You can find that format here.


  1. "Cold-smacking" is perfect, Carol! We don't get too many of those mornings where I live, though it was a brisk 33 degrees today, so this post was timely! As long as they lead to brand new thoughts, who can complain, right?

    1. Thanks to Buffy and your challenge, I found the right nature scene to write about, Michelle. 33 degrees is cold in anyone's climate but especially in yours. It is hard to believe that Florida temps would dip that low.

  2. Brrrrr -- great poem, Carol -- we had just that kind of day yesterday. "Winter dances its syncopating step" is especially nice.

    1. Thanks for joining me on this cold-smacking day, Jama. I am still in my cozy pajamas. My granddaughter often comes home from the toddler school asking for her cozy pjs when the weather is cold. I started a pot of lentil tomato soup thanks to your post that always has me thinking about good eats.

  3. We had one of those wind-yowling days yesterday. I admit, I am sad that winter is leaving us without any snow here in Maryland.

    1. Since I love to look at nature photos of snow, I am once again collecting photos and image poems of winter. I just posted one on Twitter from Alaska. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Laura.

  4. Yes, let's send February packing! Please! Nice job with cold-smacking.

    1. Cold-smacking is such a fun, imaginative word that conjures up some more thoughts in my head. Maybe a new poem will arise, Linda.

  5. Oh, we had that day Tuesday, that "cold-smacking,/winter-dancing, February morn." You've shown it perfectly, Carol! Now it's a sun-shining, short-sleeve-wearing day, but Sunday night... winter! Thanks for this fun poem. Buffy has us all finding new word plays.

    1. Word play is such a great activity. I am planning on sharing it in different ways at my professional development workshop on Monday, Linda. Short-sleeve-wearing day is not yet here but that would be so much fun to put my winter clothes away.

  6. Oh, I do like how I could feel and see your poem. Your first two lines really drew me in. I love doing the word-combining and want to try again. I like tree-swaying and wind-yowling. It was like that along with lots of snow last night. Made me happy for fleece blankets and quilts!!!
    Janet Clare F.

    1. Janet, I am heading to present at a statewide conference in Syracuse on Wednesday to Friday. I suppose I need to bring the boots with me and warmer clothing. Unfortunately, I will not have time to say hello. When I am not in conference mode, I will be with my sister. In the meantime, enjoy your fleece-cuddling weather.

  7. Blustery and wind-yowling is exactly right for this past week, Carol. Wow. Lots of good description in this poem. Thanks for it as well as your beautiful picture.

  8. "Cold-smacking" is spot on, Carol! Love it!

    1. We have another cold-smacking day on Long Island Karen. It is deceiving because the sun is shining so brightly.

  9. Our cold-smacking has left this week--hope yours has too. Love the syncopating step you wrote for winter.

  10. Lovely, moving poem Carol, and yes let's send winter packing!

  11. Oh, I love the wind-yowling and winter-dancing, Carol!
