
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Waiting Is Difficult

An interminable amount of time
slowly moves, clocking passage
like the meandering river before me.
Waiting is difficult-
  sitting, transfixed on time
  watching a roomful of patients
  exiting, wondering, doubting
  When is my turn to end the wait?
Waiting is difficult-
 a name called, a smiling face
 small talk that eases the 
 tension within.
Waiting is insufferable
 but river-watching 
 holds the key to peace.
Wait time-resolved
good news floats through air
bringing smiles-small gifts
and great treasure-
like the river, life moves on.

This post is written for all who find waiting to be difficult even in the presence of faith and hope. I am offering it to Two Writing Teachers for its Slice of Life Tuesday weekly writing event.


  1. I agree: Where our mind wanders, when we must wait, makes all the difference.

  2. It's like you wrote this for my family! You have beautifully captured these difficult moments in life!

    1. Thank you for leaving me a comment. I wish I knew who sent this lovely comment.

  3. Waiting creates a time when the head goes on wild worry journey. River-watching is a great mindfulness practice, staying in the now. I am glad your wait ended with good news.

    1. Thank you, Terje. Thankfully, the river-watching brought me peace when I needed it most.

  4. Love how the river's presence throughout the waiting seemed to comfort and alleviate the stress of waiting.

    1. It certainly did, Ramona. Sloan's new cancer center just opened a few weeks ago and the whole ambiance is conducive to making patients comfortable.

  5. Carol: I waited 1.5 hrs for my doc's appointment today, so this post really spoke to me. All good news on my front, I am so thankful and blessed. Congrats on your 17-year anniversary.

    1. Good news for you and me, Karen. That is a blessed connection.

  6. Waiting is so difficult and knowing how to occupy your mind, or empty it, is vital. Thanks for sharing this, Carol, and congratulations on your health status!

    1. Molly, we try to "empty" our minds during yoga but even that is a difficult task when you have so many thoughts buzzing around. I am still enjoying the thought of another year of good health.

  7. A dear friend of mine has been waiting since Thanksgiving for a diagnosis of some health problems. Test after test after test and no answers. I talk to her, or read your post, and remember to be thankful for every day of good health!
