
Thursday, February 6, 2020

Seasonal Bliss-SJT

This year, I am on a journey to discover a balanced life. There are many facets to my journey. Being rooted in faith is a fundamental element. Spiritual rooting is essential but I also need physical rooting. In the yoga studio, I work diligently to root each foot into the earth before readying myself for balance poses. Finding a healthy balance in life is my quest for this year. 

One consistent step to finding balance, my 2020 one word, is to observe nature's symmetry. Stepping outside to see the beauty of a winter day can be enough but a walk at the beach is exhilarating.

Inspiring scripture verses also guide my journey. Ecclesiastes 3:1 connects faith, balance, and nature, "To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven." In 1966, Judy Collins beautifully shared the scripture verse with Pete Seeger's song. This gentle tune brings reflective time to ponder my thoughts on seasonal bliss and the importance of balance.

The song also leads to play with language and write about nature that lifts my thoughts as I coddywomple through life.

The unique word coddywomple was introduced to me by my poety writing colleague and photographer, Molly HoganI found it as a hashtag on Twitter and Instagram. The definition of coddiwomple is to travel in a purposeful manner toward a vague destination. The word inspired me to create the above digital inspiration with another writing buddy's (Ramona Behnke) one word light that is an uplifting word by itself.

Travel in a purposeful manner.
Treading lightly on the paths you cross.
On your way seek and enjoy
each one of nature's beautiful seasonal delights. 

As host of Spiritual Journey Thursday, I invite you to add your thoughts on seasonal bliss below. Do you sense it? Where do you find nature's bliss? Why is it important? Enjoy your reflection time and continue to find the beauty of the seasons. 


  1. Thanks for hosting today and taking me through your digital inspirations for this season. You are so creative with these. Enjoy your babies! Nothing quite so blissful as looking into the loving eyes of a child.

    1. Margaret, I am back from enjoying my babies. As I took a nature walk with my family, including the grandgirls, I noticed the beauty of the season. Having the family with me made it a blissful walk. Sierra has always been a quiet little observer of the world and I hope Aurora follows in her big sister's steps. Thanks for taking over the lead role and enjoy your babies too.

  2. You've inspired me and now I'm ready to write my post. Thanks for sharing the Judy Colin's song and for reminding there's bliss to be found in every season.

    1. Ramona, I am glad that you were inspired to write your post filled with joyful moments. The winter season has been odd weather-wise but we still can be blissful by looking at life with a different set of eyes.

  3. Thank you for all these beautiful images and words, Carol. I especially like the Stand Tall among the reeds. It is very evocative of this season in NJ. Special thanks for this song from Judy Collins, I had forgotten the beauty of her voice... it gave me chills to listen again.

    1. Karen, the Stand Tall image was taken at Long Island marshlands. When I visit my granddaugther in Virginia, I often use the word "listen" to cue her into noticing and wondering more on the nature trail. May you enjoy a season of bliss.

  4. Thanks for sharing your coddywompling!

    1. Thanks for joining in, Ruth. Let's continue our journey in faith. I hope you can find seasonal bliss in Haiti now that the streets are open and school is back in session.
