
Friday, February 21, 2020

Thoughts From the Road

Winter's Gray Day

Breezing along the highway, catching the sights in fast motion, life moves on. A jumble of thoughts maneuver in and out of traffic as cars pass by. Conversation snakes around turns, pauses, and starts again. The motor hums in tune. Mystically, a structure appears in a cloud of mist, rising like thoughts, spiraling to new heights.

As darkness approaches and our destination nears, I reflect on what is and what is to come, a weekend with my little granddaughters, in the endless stream of life in motion. 
I write in the middle of the night when the house is quiet, reminding myself that sunrise will soon start a new day of thought with my little ones.
I am offering these thoughts to Poetry Friday, hosted by Canadian host, Cheriee Weichel at Library Matters.  Cheriee introduces a marvelous Candian poet, Avis Harley, and shares Avis' new poetic format, the intravista.
Special Thanks To:
Thinking back on the week of writing, I am excited to share a new poetic form to me, the Scupham stanza. Thank you to David L. Harrison and Matt Forrest Esenwine for sharing their Scupham poems. Mine is below. I added a digital element with a Buncee template.

Because I am always delighted to notice and wonder about the beauty of the season, I am sharing a stunning photo that was sent to me by a Twitter friend, @Math912Teacher. Her nature photo called me to create a haiku.


  1. Wow! A new poem form to play with. I love that! And, I thank you for finding beauty in often my grumbles about being cold dominate my view. Truly, there is beauty in this season. Enjoy the snuggles!

  2. Bravo for posting "on the road." Very admirable. I like your Scupham verse... I tried one but at this point I cannot remember what I did with it! Oh dear. Nonetheless, we journey onward. I put in two new posts this week, hope you can visit me...

  3. Thanks for all your creativity! Enjoy your little ones!

  4. Love that 'night-ride' while 'night-writing', Carol! And that picture/poem from your friend is quite amazing. Nature gives us special gifts! Happy Grand-daughtering!

    1. I am always on the lookout for amazing nature photos as you know, Linda. This weekend, I am concentrating on enjoying the weather in Virginia with my granddaughters. It is amazing what 52 degrees feels like after the child left.

  5. I hope you are enjoying a fabulous weekend with your grandchildren Carol! when we are on a road trip I occasionally just sit and enjoy the scenery, but mostly I have an audiobook in my head and knitting in my lap. (especially when it is a route I am familiar with) Like others here, I am impressed you found time to connect up with us all. Thank you so much for that link to Avis. I should have done that myself!

  6. Enjoy those granddaughters while we enjoy your gorgeous poetry and photos.

  7. I like your majestic poem at the top and the castle image rising out of it like a dream–lovely! And bold, winter sculpted haiku! Hope you had a lovely time with your granddaughters Carol, thanks for all here!
