
Friday, March 13, 2020

Spring Forward!_SOLSC13

As part of the pathway to spring, clocks are set ahead for daylight savings time. 

I celebrate the onset of a new season while listening to the birds sing their morning songs. While this is always a celebratory event for me, this year the news of the pandemic coronavirus overshadows the excitement of the movement toward spring.

The hype over the virus rises each day. Conversations center on the sad reality of life as we now know it. Oftentimes, I turn to writing to block out any challenges or issues and calm me.  I decided to use the Buncee platform to capture the gathering of the birds in a short verse. Stanza one of my Buncee poem provides the scenario that I witnessed from my upstairs window. Stanza two introduces a character who is the master craftsman of each season. This is a light piece to move readers' attention away from ramped-up news coverage. 

May you spring forward with thoughts of renewal and hope for a peaceful world
amidst contemporary medical issues.

Each year since March 2015, I have engaged in Two Writing Teacher's Annual Slice of Life Story Challenge. Slicing allows me to ponder life, literacy, and learning, capturing small moments poetically through writing, photography, and digital art. Welcome to Day 13 of 31 days of writing with Two Writing Teachers.

Today is Poetry Friday at my poet friend, Matt Forrest Esenwine's blog. Join me in congratulating Matt on his poetic accomplishments and explore the world of poetry goodness.


  1. Thank you for your poem ... a reminder to remember the beauty of the world ...

    1. There is beauty in this world, Kevin. Even on this dark day the birds are singing their tune and I turned to your post to hear your father/son springy music.

  2. I can always count on you for balance (I know that's your OLW!) and for an infusion of hope into my day. Renewing, indeed - how can one despair when listening to the birds? Beautiful as always, Carol!

    1. Fran, thank you for your lovely response to my slice. I just found out that my gentle yoga classes have been cancelled because of the coronavirus scare so I am seeking to find balance in a different way this week.

  3. Carol, your poem is just beautiful, the way it rests lightly on "the page." Thank you for a little levity and a little hope as we navigate these anxious times. My OLW is "balance," too!!

    1. Times are anxious indeed, Lanny, and today only offers darkness and dreariness. Has the news of the coronavirus sucked the sun out of this day?

  4. Beautiful! I am loving this "bird" theme we've got going this Poetry Friday... nature truly is an antidote. xo

    1. Nature does allow us to soak in the sweet sounds of the birds even on the darkest day (as today). Here's to a breath of springtime to lift our spirits, Irene.

  5. No matter what the clocks say, nature's always in charge. Love this, Carol!

    1. What a great response, Matt. Thanks for joining me amidst your hosting duties today.

  6. Love your poem, Carol -- your birds make me happy :).

    1. The birds are still singing, Jama, even though it is a rainy, dark day. They know the value of positivity.

  7. Thanks for your poem, Carol. Yes, we need to see the beauty that is around us to take our minds off of the reality that surrounds us. Kathy and I always anxiously await the change of birds signaling a new season in our yard. We say our first robins the other day. What joy.

    1. A blue jay and two robins together marked the opening of a prospective spring for me. The sun just peeked out from a dark, dreary day and I am excited to step outside.

  8. Focusing on nature and the joy it brings helps to stay calm. Thank you for your poem. Spring in Estonia was a month ahead. Such a confusion in nature. We won't turn the clocks yet. I wish we didn't have change it at all.

    1. Spring early by you. This year we had a mild winter. Nature brings me joy. Even today when I woke to darkness and rain, I stayed calm. Then, the sun came out and everyone marveled at the transition.

  9. I have goldfinches at my feeder today, Carol. Thanks for adding the robins and bluejay! I am trying to settle into a quiet state, and I feel like it will take several days to really get into the mode of staying home, but I think we all need to do it. Best wishes to you...

    1. Karen, I have never seen a goldfinch so lucky you. Staying home and settling in is a new phenomenon. My gentle yoga classes were cancelled and the one I went to tonight was with my gentle yoga teacher who ramped up her yoga routine with moves that were fast-paced. I am exhausted from the session but feeling so proud that I made it through. Life as we knew it here on Long Island is not the same.

  10. You poem has its own spring, it seems. Thanks for the lift!

    1. Thanks for dropping over, Brian. Great word play in your response: spring, lift-thanks.

  11. Thoughts of renewal and hope are what we all need. Thank you for sharing.

  12. Thank you for reminding me to focus on the small things that bring hope and beauty into our world. I really do appreciate this post today!

    1. My little birds at play send you spring forward wishes for a great weekend, Molly.

  13. What a beautiful poem! It also reminds me to focus on small, meaningful beauty.

    1. Trina, thanks for dropping by. I am glad that you had a takeaway from my slice.

  14. I think those birds are 'moving forward' in tiny leaps, Carol. I don't remember that you can animate those buncee creations. I love it all!

    1. Linda, you should try out creating with Buncee. There are many animated images to use. Have a great wekeend.

  15. Love your poem, Carol. Nature is so calming. Thanks!

    1. I'm off today to find peace on a nature walk, Rose. Have a great day.

  16. I'm trying to hold onto the positives. One of those is that I will be able to watch my yard and garden come alive every day as I take breaks from my computer screen and whatever Distance Learning turns out to be.

  17. Hooray for birds...they bring us beauty of sight and sound. Lovely poem.

  18. Thanks for your fun bird-filled poem Carol, I love the bouncing robins too! I have a sparrow each spring that nests in a wall fan I have and she's been singing her heart out lately, unfortunately if I quietly open the door to peek at her she takes off. Nice "March Musings" image too, thanks!

  19. I've been enjoying more birdsong in the morning, too. Thank you for sharing, Carol. Stay well!
