
Saturday, April 11, 2020

#NatureNurtures2020: I Wish

#NaturesNurtures is the mantra I am holding in my heart this month when I #ShelterInPlace. As the news continues to inform us of the apex of COVID-19 and the heroes/sheroes who give selflessly, I am reminded of the words of a Passionist priest, Fr. Cedric Pisenga, who presented his Good Friday television message speaking of selflessness. Then, I read Laura Shovan's #WaterPoemProject Day 19 challenge created by children's book author, Rachel Toalson. Rachel created a water poem prompt: Wishing Well-write a list poem about all the wishes you would toss into a wishing well or pool. It just so happened that simultaneously a Twitter acquaintance crossed my path. As I strolled over to his account, I found a stunning photo that led me to ponder. 

I thought about the I wish poem prompt at Laura's Water Poem Project and made a connection. There are so many ways to bring wishes of peace to others.

I Wish:
I wish I could wish upon a star but none are near.
I wish others could cuddle in darkness without fear.
I wish we could find peace among the headlines.
I wish we could stop what if incessant whines.
I wish I could throw my penny in a dark pond.
I wish I could listen to that penny respond.
I wish my wish for peace to fill the earth.
I wish for lasting Easter joy and mirth.
©CV, 2020

With the last line in place, I traveled back to the black lily pond photo imagining it set against a dark velvet sky waiting for the moon to send light. An image poem evolved.

Reawakening to an amazing sight, I felt my wish growing within morning light and a cloudless, robin-blue sky. May serenity bless your heart and home today as we continue to shelter-in-place, practice social distancing, and wash our hands.

Do you have a digital inspiration (poem, artwork, musical composition, inspirational quote, image poem, or any other artistic expression) to add to my Nature Nurtures Gallery? See the invitation here, a mini-gallery, and the growing padlet of inspiration.


  1. All of these offerings today provide a sense of peace. I hope and pray that we may all find that peace and safety and serenity. One of the things I wonder at through all of this is how nature is responding to our pause in ordinary activity--more wildlife being spotted even in cities, clearer skies and waters in many cities. My daughter just read and shared that sea turtles are having a better nesting season than usual.

    1. Kay , you brought up a really good point. Is the environment benefitting from less pollution? I'm not sure about wildlife in cities because few animals are spotted in our neighborhood. Actually, people are hunkering down where I live. Stay safe.
