
Tuesday, April 7, 2020


This season, spring debuted with earth-shattering news. I, like others, watched in disbelief as an unseen interloper encroached upon the earth, area by area causing havoc.  Newscasts continue to flash, repeat, and remind us to shelter in place. I remind myself to refresh my senses with a walk and writing.

While writing and creating digitals might be a solitary act, it connects me with communities of writers whose ideas come into focus and are exchanged through written words. Slicers, Leigh Anne Eck, Fran Haley, and Brian Rozinsky joined my National Poetry Month project, Nature Nurtures Global Gallery of Artistic Voices. They couple the artistry of nature with their timely writing. Each one of the following image poems share the power of poetry to soothe souls during COVID19 troubled times.

Leigh Anne Eck
Fran Haley
Brian Rozinsky

Would you like to join my #quarentainment project to flood social media with your own inspirational messages, poetry, and nature photographs on the beauty of nature and your students' work?  

See details at the special invitation here.  Reminder: please send your offering to my Nature Nurtures! padlet and on social media using the hashtag, #NatureNurtures2020 and #Sharing PlanetBeauty.

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for providing a space for writers to gather together
and share their slices of life each Tuesday. 


  1. The things we will remember from this spring...

    1. Yes, they are different than other springs, Diane. Hopefully we shall remember how nature nurtures us in troubled times. I hope you join in and get creative with poetry during your Quarantine Life.

  2. Thank you for creating this gorgeous gallery of image poems and for featuring my little haiku, Carol. I'm honored to be displayed here with fellow writer-artisans. Your own image poems are always so beautifully-crafted - today's is breathtaking with its "life-alluring" photo and verse. All of your work is such a celebration - I am so grateful for it and for you!

    1. Fran, the tree down the block has been in different stages of bloom so we always take a walk past it. I have another photo of the tree in digitized format that really speaks to me. I hope to try a different poetic format to capture my feelings. Thank you for joining in the fun of creating digital inspirations. I hope there are students of yours that might want to add their voices to the gallery.

  3. A beautiful reminder that nature can't be contained. Despite what is happening, nature is here to remind us that there is beauty in the world nothing can stop it from bringing us joy and making us smile.

    1. YES, i walked by this tree again today and it perked me up. It is difficult to see such sadness in the world and watch my husband having a very hard time with the Shelter-In-Place ruling. For me, it is much easier to be at home because I find so much to do. Stay safe.
