
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

September Bidding Summer Godspeed

September slips in with a summer stance but midway starts to offer a slight change in the temperature. This is when I tend to indulge in the last hurrahs of summer: those anticipated wanderings of the clouds, the slight breezes at the shore, and the whispers in the wind that echo goodby. With each signal, there is an indication that summer is ready for its own vacation. 

At this time, I gather my digital tools to create one last picture of the never to be forgotten summer of 2020. If you click here, you can take a gallery walk through the introduction to Embraceable Summer Gallery and read Laura Purdie Salas' Pandemic Summer. Then, travel backwards in time to Embraceable Summer Gallery 2019 where you can take two more gallery walks into a summer where there were no masks, rules, and social distancing. Click here and here.

There are many sanctuaries of silence along the different water bodies on Long Island that offer a respite from the hectic pace and energy of the summer season. This year there was a special need for September's quiet time to forget the incessant reminders of a deadly pandemic with its socially distancing, washing of hands, and wearing of masks. All across the globe, people sought the beauty of nature to wash away any pain, sorrow, or stress and put a smile on behind their masks. I am eager to share some favorite summer spots from across the globe. May this mini-gallery bring relaxation and soothe souls.

by Sharon Norden
offered by Chris Quinn

Thank you to the Contributors to this edition of Embraceable Summer Gallery 2020!
Ramona Behnke
Leonie Bennett
Leanora Benton
Mary Lee Hahn
Molly Hogan
Lillian Lake
Irene Latham
Jone MacCulloch
Diane Mayr
Janet Nestor
Sharon Norden
Brian Rosinsky
Laura Purdie Salas
Chris Quinn
Carol Varsalona
Charles Waters
Jackie Yun
I offer this slice of life to Two Writing Teachers.


  1. Thank you, Carol. You are an encourager! This collection of images and writing, most specifically yours, is uplifting. Your heart and eyes are focusing on some lovely things.


    1. Laure, good to meet you. Thank you for stopping by. I read your slice and left a message but I am not sure if you received it. Your writing is reflective so I invite you to add an image poem for my Abundant Autumn Gallery.

  2. Carol,your pictures and poems remind us that even in this troubled world there is peace and beauty, smiles to share, and hope eternal.

    1. Your response is such a positive one. We live in strange times but there is a hope in the hearts of those who believe.

  3. It's interesting that there was so much water this time. It stands for calm for me. The gallery is a beautiful goodbye to the summer. No doubt we'll find fall beauty around us too, when we don't let the cold and rain cloud our views.

    1. I gathered water shots predominately as a theme for water is a sign of healing for so many, Terje. I agree that it has calming effects. We will find fall beauty as we walk through the season. Send me your fall photos for #AbundantAutumn Gallery.

  4. So many gorgeous images!
    I must admit, that sign about the last peaches of the season did make me sad. Our peach season wasn't what it should've been this year due to a late spring frost. Therefore, I've been eagerly searching (and barely finding) local sweet peaches. And now, it's over!

    1. Funny you should say that, Stacey. I bought peaches at the Farmers Market and were surprised they were not sweet and juicy like I like them. Thanks for taking a Gallery Walk with me. There should be one more edition of the gallery with another set of inspirational digitals to remember the pre-pandemic and pandemic summers.

  5. Thanks for sharing these lovely, peaceful words and images from this strange summer. I especially liked your slide show!

    1. Susan, thank you for joining me here midweek for a poetry walk.

  6. Thank you for this restful pause before beginning a long workday! I found myself softening and smiling as I scrolled through the wistful words and images. What a nice way to start the day!

    1. Chris, take care during this time of reimagining education. I hope you can use the galleries of mine in your classroom. Images become great prompts.

  7. Carol, I'm flattered that you chose my picture to include in the gallery. It was a wonderful, peaceful time with family. I love scrolling through your offering. We're so blessed by the collections you put together. Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Ramona. It warmed my heart to see your family together and the photo was a good reminder that family time is important.
