
Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Reflection on a Year Passing

At the end of last year, there were many discussions about 2020 moving on? No wonder. COVID-19 had an interesting way of bringing sadness, isolation, and stress into 2020 lives so wishing the year away would be a logical choice on New Year's Eve. While I agree, I would like to focus not on days filled with struggle and sadness but upon those with some sweet surprises. 
  • Early in January 2020, my granddaughter Aurora was born - such a joyful event.
  • In February, my husband and I purchased a new home in Virginia, only 1/2 hour away from my granddaughters.
  • In June, I designed and delivered an intensive, remote learning, 4-day Summer Graduate Institute for teachers. The small group of educators were creative thinkers and eager participants. While the work of remote learning is demanding, it is also rewarding when learners reap the benefits.
  • In December, we closed on our new build and became proud new owners. 
The poem, The Passing of the Year by Robert W. Service, brings closure to sadness and hope for a new year. The line, "Old weary year! it's time to go", offers the opportunity to create a Golden Shovel poem. (Each word in the strike line becomes the last word of each line of my new poem.) 

Pass into the night, ye old
365 days. Are you weary
from your long walk this year?
Are you wondering if it's
your time
to rest, to
surrender, and let go?
©CVarsalona, 2021

It is always best to look back and remember good times when struggles outnumber the positivesHow do you see the passing of the year? Did you choose your #oneword2021 that will guide you on a new journey? I am ready to begin anew! Join me on January 14, 2021 at Twitter for #K12ArtChat where I will guest host a chat on #oneword thanks to Matt and Laura Grundler. 

Enjoy the beginning of a new year.
Put on a smile of gratitude behind your mask each day. 
Slice of Life 2021


  1. Carol, I agree that it is always better to look at the positives that happen in our lives rather than the negatives. Sometimes we need to remind ourselves that even when things are bad there is good happening. It doesn't make the bad go away, but it does a world of good for our mental health. I like your Golden Shovel. I wonder how 2020 would respond to the questions you pose.

    1. Bob, here is a positive within a very stressful day. I registered for the COVID vaccine but now I have to wait for a text or email to call in for an appointment. The positive in this is that I am registered and one day I will receive the vaccine and not have to worry each day of contracting the virus (Long Island COVID counts are rising again.)

  2. Sometimes we have to look harder, but those silver linings and celebrations are always there. Thank you for the timely reminder! It is a choice to be positive. So glad you had those amazing high points of 2020!

    1. Amy, the high points of last year are amazing memories and will remind me to find the sweet scent of roses as I move gently through the thorns. Happy New Year to you and may your year be a blessed one.

  3. Aurora's birth is so big that in a long run this is what you will remember the most from 2020. :)

    1. You are so right, Terje. Aurora is such a delightful baby with a great personality so her smile overshadows everything. Have a great week back from vacation.

  4. Magnificent golden shovel, Carol - "ye old 365 days," indeed! I am finding this new year weary already, thirteen days in - I am trying to rest more to regain focus. Yet I am committed to looking for awe (OLW) and new babies are definitely in that category - they are light-bringers. One named "Aurora' most certainly so.

    1. Yes, Fran, Aurora was the perfect name for this little who lights up the dawn. Thanks for joining me. Tomorrow night I am the guest host of #K12ArtChat on the theme #oneword2021. I would love for you and other SJT friends to join me with their beautiful blogs. I will send an invite.
