
Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Finding My #OneWord 2021

As winter settled in last year, a sense of newness brought anticipation. I entered 2020 with the commitment to search for peace, notice nature's harmony, and cease the attitude of being busy all the time. I wanted to slow down and savor evocative nature's moments. Hence, the word balance arose as a guide word at the crossroads of a new year in a new decade. A new grandbaby was born in January; balance was present. In February, we signed a contract to build a new house in Northern Virginia, a sign that a new path was opening. There was a newness evolving but then, by the end of March,  my world was jolted. A pandemic swept through the word, blindsiding everyone. My balance was knocked off-kilter. I tried to keep the balls juggling while balancing my work life with my personal life but there was a disconnect. Clearly, by the end of this year, I needed to re-evaluate and re-imagine a new pathway.  A focus word was needed to restore my balance and bring hope. 

So I pondered, mulled over numerous words, reviewed my previous #onewords: openness, listen, believe, joy, hope, embrace, and balance, and just waited for a 2021 word to appear.

New Year's Eve came and went and so did New Year's Day. One word hashtags were seen throughout social media; tweets and blogs shared. I was waiting for a word to appear, a divine sign. Then, I found a quote by Thomas Merton, 20th Century monk, author, theologian, poet, scholar, and social activist.  "We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves."  My word started to emerge. I was ready to renew my life, restore balance, and unfold into a better version of myself.


My 2021 Commitment Statement
(adapted from A.D. Posey's inspirational quote)

In faith, like a flower, I shall feel myself rise above, begin to open, and begin anew.


A New Chapter BEGINS.

A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step. (Lao Tzu)


And You? When will you begin that long journey into yourself? (Rumi)

As the host of Spiritual Journey Thursday this month, I invite you to share your #OneWord2021 blog post.


Leave your #oneword digital at the hastag, #WintersEmbrace 2021, on Twitter.
If interested, I will add it to the Winter's Embrace 2021 Gallery that I am creating. 


  1. Hooray for begin! What a wonderful word for you. I'm so fortunate to gain a new neighbor. I look forward to the time we can socialize again and visit....maybe with our notebooks! Enjoy your ride, drive the beltway around DC and best of luck making the house your home. Happy New Year!

    1. Linda, I reread your comment and realized that I did not respond. It is with commitment to a meetup that I write to you. Yes, I would love to visit with our notebooks. Maybe a walk along our beautiful creekside pond would be a place of inspiration for us to begin a face-to-face friendshiop.

  2. Carol, such a celebration of the word BEGIN. We need new beginnings! I love the great advertisement for your word as well as the inclusion of the Carpenters' song. Many of your lines struck me - one especially at the beginning (no pun intended): "re-imagining pathways." That is how we will begin finding healing and overcoming... many thanks, Carol, for the inspiration you give and for hosting this month. Safe travels.

    1. Fran, my walk has been filled with ifs, ands, and buts so "re-imagining pathways is just what I need. It is hard to believe that you commented so long ago and I did not respond.

  3. Your move to Virginia gives you the perfect opportunity to Begin a new phase of your life. Many wishes for renewed strength and hope. I know it's been a tough journey this year, but you always remain positive and offer so much of yourself to others. Thanks for hosting today.

    1. Margaret, in my looking back reflection (June 2021), I realize that I slipped from January to June, wading in deep waters of unsurety but I am going forward with each new day as a beginning. Now I have a little steps' goal that suits me.

  4. Thank you for hosting! BEGIN is a great choice.

    1. Begin is a good choice for me so from this day forward (five months later) I commit to a redirected focus on my OLW, Ruth. Thanks for hosting the follow-up visit to reconnect with our OLW.

  5. Carol: I am reading before writing this time, letting myself soak in some goodness before trying to put something in my blog. Thank you for hosting today, such a trying time and your year having been so trying. I wish you bright beginnings, and thanks again.

    1. Karen, bright beginnings is what I need to focus on each day of my new journey. I look forward to reading your Mid-Year Checkup on your OLW (can't believe that I am writing a response five months later).

  6. It was so beautiful to read how you came to your #oneword2021 Beginnings as you look forward and reflect.

    1. Faige, five months later I am reflecting on my OLW. See I would love to hear how your midyear check is going. Thanks for inspiring me to look forward.

  7. Oh, I totally identified with the jolting that 2020 brought to our lives.
    Your word, begin, is perfect for your new time in a new place. "We've Only Just Begun" was sung by a dear friend at our wedding reception. Thanks for hosting today's gathering.

    1. Ramona, as I have said to others what happened to the responses I wanted to write in January. This span of time between January to June makes me realize how stressed I have been. I begin anew with a positive look at beginning each day in peace.

  8. Love your #OneWord 2021. Thanks for sharing your journey to find it!

    1. Carmela, I have been lax in responding to comments but it is amazing to me how much time I let lapse since January. My Mid-Year Check on my OLW proves this.

  9. Carol, I liked reading the journey you took to your oneword21 "begin." Your poems are inspirational and speak to me, especially Begin. It was great to hear The Carpenters! Cheers to you beginning new adventures in a new place. Thank you.

    1. My new adventures have taken many a twist and turn, Gail. Today, five months later than this was written, I am redirecting my thoughts in a mid-year checkup.

  10. Loved this piece of writing. Especially the lines, "We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves."
    Inspiring! Pleasing!

    1. Kanchan, thank you for commenting on this January blog post. I am sorry that I took so long to write back but I want you to know that I do appreciate your thoughts. Thomas Merton's quote spurs me on to to fulfill my deepest capacities of the real me who has been stressed throughout my life move. Five months later, I am ready to begin anew.
