
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

I Stayed the Course

It is almost 11:00 PM. I hoped that I would be able to write in a quiet space but two different games are being watched in two separate rooms. The blare of the fast-paced sporting events is loud and clear but then, a thud, a pouring of rain, and a loud whooshing wind overrides any other noise until all cease at the same time. The quiet is relished during this reflective time. 

I STAYED the COURSE but it has been a tough one, writing for 31 days and responding to other slicers' writing. I am happy to say that I did finish the March SOLSC! #SOL21 challenge as did many of my slicer friends. Some days, I snuck in just before the midnight hour with a sigh of relief. Most days, I promised myself I would write earlier in the day. At any rate, I am proud to say I documented my life move to Virginia from Long Island, New York each day. It will be fun to look back and see what I had to say about the stressors, strains, and excitement of making a transition to a new place and lifestyle. 

Throughout this month of writing, I read, commented, and corresponded with so many educators from around the states and as far away as Estonia. Among the different types of writing, I learned how to say Bon Apetit in Estonian from Terje Akke and also learned a new form of poetry from Arjeha, the sijo

With this March Musing 2021, I stand in awe of all my slicer friends who also withstood a month of writing while balancing many balls. I thank each and every person who visited my blog and took the time to write a comment. I read all the comments but many times, mostly towards the end of the challenge, I did not have enough time to write individual thank yous in the comments.

I stayed the course!
Through thick and thin times
Moving from Long Island
To a new home in Virginia.
Celebrated joyous moments.
Gingerly transversed many rough trails
On my way to this destination-
The final stop of the slicers' March journey.
In faith, I wrote daily,
opening my heart
to the whispers of my soul.

With a new commitment to writing poetry for the month of April, I'm off to join a community of poets for National Poetry Month. I will start the month off with a poem at Spiritual Journey Thursday.

Day 31 March SOLSC! #SOL21 at Two Writing Teachers
I appreciate the space Two Writing Teachers opened to all writers. 

TWT, thank you for the badge!


  1. It has been a pleasure to go along this journey with you. Thank you so much for your heartfelt posts and comments. An incomparable joy.

    ~Carla Michelle

    1. Carla, I am so appreciative of your response to my slice. Life is a whirlwird these days and the to-do list mounts. Being flexible with my time is a must so I do my best to write in between the workload of moving into a new home.

  2. Carol, it has been hectic for you but you did it. CONGRATULATIONS! Hopefully the stresses will diminish as you settle into your new home.
    Thank you for all of the kind and encouraging words you left on my posts. They are greatly appreciated.

    1. Bob, life moves in strange ways. Today, is jammed pack with so many to dos that just spring out from the moving process. I plan on writing poetry this month but have not had time to think it through. Today is Spiritual Journey Thursday's monthly post so somewhere in this day, I will write. Happy Easter week to you.
