Sunday, March 21, 2021

First Day of Spring

Sixty degrees and sunshine marks the first day of spring. It is uplifting. I itch to go outside walking in nature but my honey-do list is endless. The work of organizing the kitchen in my new home simply has to be completed. A sense of nervous impatience to rid the house of unpacked boxes brings a decision to postpone a nature walk until later in the day. 

Finally, I am ready for a short ride to visit my granddaughters. The weather feels like warmer than earlier in the day. The ride is pleasant and the forest-like environment in the community of Reston where my little ones live is restful and peaceful. Tall trees line the road like elegant guardsmen, a welcoming sight, and the daffodils sprouting up in vivid clumps is delightful also. BUT, the best part of the first day of springtime is the joy of seeing two happy little granddaughters enjoying nature. 

Springtime turns a blank canvas into a colorful piece of art.
Daffodils dance under a golden sun while trees stand guard.
Children discover the gleeful joy of nature's playground.
©CV, 2021, draft

Thank you to slicer "Arjeha" for providing information on the sijo poetic format and posting his original poem. Click here to read all. Please feel free to comment on my first-time sijo poem in draft form.


  1. Nothing like playing outside to feel good, to feel better, to sleep better and be ready to attack chores like unpack, clear the kitchen... And, of course, nothing like grand children to feel good, to feel better, to ...

    1. You are so right, Alain. Undoing the stress with nature and grandchildren is a prescription for a feel good life.

  2. Carol, seeing children enjoying nature can't help but bring a smile to your face. I like the unexpectedness of the last line of your sijo. I can picture your grandchildren dancing in nature the way the daffodils dance under the sun.

    1. Thanks for introducing me to the sijo, Bob. There is such joy to be had in springtime weather.

  3. Thanks Tammy for joining me here. I continue to cross off items on my life move unpacking list. Enjoy the good weather. It is beautiful in Virginia.
