
Thursday, June 17, 2021

Birthday Surprise

For me, writing in the quiet of night is a treat but there are other magical moments that light up life.

This week, my granddaughter turned four so naturally, I wrote a poem to celebrate her amazing years of life. It was a pantoum poem that my granddaughter and I call a story poem. I added digital photos of her to entice her into the poem.

While I was not present at the children's party (I am hosting the extended family's "big people's" party this weekend), I enjoyed an online conversation and found out that there were many surprises at the party, one of which brought me Grandma joy. During the Google Duo call, I listened to Sierra's exciting details about the party with her best friends.  I then shared the story poem I wrote. First, we looked at the digital photos I created from infancy through toddler years. Next, I asked if I could read the story poem. Sierra is a reader and loves a good read-aloud so she listened carefully. At the close of the poem, I heard, "Thank you, Grandma." How endearing those words were! 

Now. let me share the events of the party where magic was in the air. The video that was sent to the family showed an excited child rushing to the back door and down the path to the wooded backyard. Ah, yes, an awesome sight awaited her! Her Mommy remembering her own childhood parties in a backyard miniature house, constructed a child-size outdoor house and Daddy helped erect it. The little house set in a wooded setting of their back year was complete with a patio laid down by the carpenter. Two Adirondack chairs, a child-size picnic table, and window boxes full of flowers against a natural setting added additional charm to the setting. Photos posted were filled with excitement and joy so I decided to write a tricube poem. It is a good format because of its simplicity that allows a story to flow.

Yesterday, I had a virtual tour of the birthday surprise. I laughed when I saw my seventeen-month-old granddaughter quite content playing on the floor of the little house while big sister enjoyed creating a bracelet from the kit given by one of the partygoers.
I am now preparing for the family birthday party at my new house on Saturday. Even though, Sierra said will not be her birthday date, I responded that the big people want to celebrate your special day. Afterall, you are only four once.

Little house in the woods,

How charming you are
With your storybook gable.

What tales will grow as your years unfold?
Mix wonder and childhood dreams
Create stories to last a lifetime.
©CV, 2021

Now, it's time for the Poetry Friday Roundup at poet and nature photographer Buffy Silverman's blog site


  1. Carol, what a cute little house! I would have been in heaven if I were four in such a place! "What tales will grow as the years unfold?" No doubt there will be many for Sierra.

    1. Janice, when we moved into our first house, Sierra's mother was not even born but as soon as she was old enough to walk she played in the miniature house that resembled ours. The clubhouse as it was called by my son held many a party so my daughter wanted to continue the memories for her girls. Thank you for joining me here.

  2. How darling! What a perfect place for two little ones to play and imagine and have fun with. You are building such precious memories with these family members. Nothing is better than that. Thank you for sharing a bit with us. I love the sparkle of magic in the poem for Sierra and her special day.

    1. Thanks, Linda, for your comments and continued support. I got another surprise that I did not write about. The girls had a virus, running nose, congestion, fever and they shared their malaise with me. I'm trying to feel better to host the adult birthday party. Wish me luck. I have a surprise for you. I am sorting my professional texts and some YA books and am wondering if you have a professional development section in your library for your teachers. I would love to pass on all of the wonderful titles.

  3. Carol, that is a magical setting for the little girls. What a gift from your daughter and her husband. So very sweet and "how charming you are
    With your storybook gable" Indeed! Lovely poems too. Thanks for sharing about her special day.

    1. And all the best on Saturday's party. I hope you feel better and ready to host!

  4. Carol
    What a special surprise for your granddaughter! II think the tricube form fits perfectly for the emotions you share. Hope the party goes well!

    1. Rose, watching the video of Sierra's first impressions of the little house in the woods brought such memories of my own children growing up in their miniature house. The surprise was genuine, special, and will continue to be a central point of childhood living.

  5. What a delightful gift that will "keep giving" for years - you captured that so well in your poem:

    What tales will grow as your years unfold?
    Mix wonder and childhood dreams.
    Create stories to last a lifetime.

    Have fun at the party!

  6. "In the woods/nature calls/celebrate!" is simply wonderful for that new storybook place in the woods for Sierra, Carol. I imagine her spending time there, imagination growing every day. Happy Birthday wishes to your granddaughter, Sierra. And have a special weekend celebration, too!

  7. Many happy returns to Sierra, and I hope you will enjoy many happy occasions in the play house with your grandchildren. I'm quite jealous of its pristine tininess as I contemplate a summer of decluttering in preparation for a downsizing move next year.

    table, chairs
    door and roof
    please step in

    four then five,
    growing up
    cozied in

    windows, walls,
    woods and wind,
    your family.

  8. How absolutely lovely! My daughter would have enjoyed that so much at that age. The perfect gift. And your poems, too!

  9. Happy Birthday to Sierra! LOVE the little house, chairs, and picnic table. Lucky girl. Enjoy the grown-ups party tomorrow tonight!

  10. Oh that little house--four-year old me is green with envy! Thanks for sharing Sierra's delight.

  11. Oh, SWOON! I would have LOVED that little house! What a lucky girl. Lots of memories will be made there. Your poems are all kinds of wonderful. She is also lucky to have a grandma who writes!

  12. Four is such a magical age. Savor those moments. And what a gift of poems to your grand girl. Treasures forever.

  13. I love both your poems Carol and especially the tricube! What a lovely place to escape to and imagine—I'm sure Sierra will enjoy her new little house. Birthday Greetings to Sierra, and have fun at the Adult party too, thanks Carol!

  14. A magical place! Hope you are feeling better, Carol.

  15. What a special gift! Not only the charming play house, but also the wonderful poem which I'm sure Sierra will treasure.
