Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Today You Are Four

It is quiet in the house except for the hum of the twirling fan. Only cracks of lights enter the darkened room. I steal a few moments to be alone with my thoughts. It is the eve of my granddaughter's fourth birthday. A whoosh of camera-ready moments rushes past me, from infant to toddler to a curious little girl. The years of her joyous life "whisper loud enough to make me stop and take stock."*

I dedicate the following pantoum poem composed of four-line stanzas in which the second and fourth lines of each stanza serve as the first and third lines of the next stanza. The last line of the pantoum is the same as the first.
It was but yesterday
when you entered a calico-colored world
with your curious stance
that brought so much joy.
When you entered a calico-colored world,
you became our wonder baby.
Your curious stance grew
in natural settings.
You became our wonder baby`    
listening, learning,
in natural settings
that often led to new discoveries.
Listening, learning,
you skied and climbed hills.
leading to new discoveries,
opening a new world of wonder.
You skied and climbed hills.
Your toddler passions have grown each year,
opening a world of  new wonders.
Today you are four!
Your toddler passions have grown each year.
I watched with pride.
Today, you are four-
it was but yesterday!
©CV, 2021

Birthday love  ðŸ’– is sent to my "big girl" granddaughter, Sierra.
Thank you for always sharing your exuberance for life.

*Line lifted from my writing friend, Fran Haley, in a comment to slicer Chris Margocs."

 A Slice of Life for a Special Day


  1. So beautiful. We too were filled with wonder when we think our grandson is going to be eight next month and granddaughter four in November :) How time flies.
    Your poem is wonderful. I came across Pantoum recently and love it :) Our best wishes to your granddaughter.

    1. Thanks for joining me and adding your thoughts on your own grandchildren. Time does fly and Covid-19 made it difficult to be with the children last year. I think the pantoum is the right format for my story poem as I called it for my little Sierra.

  2. What a beautiful ode -- through photos and words -- to your grandgirl. Hard to believe she's already turning FOUR!

    1. It is hard to believe that she now identifies herself as the big sister and acts the part too, Stacey.

  3. Happy Birthday, Sierra. May the joys in your life far outnumber the sorrows. Carol, this is a beautiful tribute to the first four years of Sierra's life. May you continue to be there for her and watch her grow into the beautiful young woman she will become.

    1. Thanks for your birthday wishes, Bob. I printed the poem for Sierra and will make it into a card for her extended family birthday party on Saturday. It is at my house so I am busy trying to unpack the last of the boxed that are visible in the house.

  4. I love this poem you have written for sweet Sierra. I feel like I know her through your posts. "Opening a world of new wonders" for all of us. Happy Birthday!

    1. Margaret, today when we zoomed Sierra told me about her birthday party with her friends yesterday. She also showed me around her little house that her mother constructed for her. I was able to share with her the digital art photos above and then read her the poem (which we now have called it a poem story). She thanked me for what I created. I was so touched. Being a grandmother is such joy.

  5. Happy, happy birthday Sierra! What a beautiful way to celebrate your granddaughter - your love for her exudes from your post!

    1. Thanks for joining me here, Britt. I am glad we connected again. I just read your slice and commented.

  6. What a delight to see Sierra's growth through your pantoum! Hard to believe our grands are four and that we started our grandma journey at the same time. Happy birthday, sweet Sierra!

    1. Ramona, I am so excited that you joined me here. Yes, we started the Grandma journey together and so much has transpired since that momentous time. May your days with your grandchildren and relatives be filled with joy as are mine.

  7. Happy birthday to the sweet little granddaughter with so much life in her and before her! That sweet line that begins and ends your pantoum "it was but yesterday!" says it all. Lovely!

    1. Thanks for sharing my joy, Denise. I am so happy that I live close by my granddaughters now and that I will be able to host the extended family birthday party this weekend.

  8. "A whoosh of camera-ready moments rushes past me..." - I know that sensation well, Carol. The little ones grow so fast. Grandchildren more so than our children: "It was but yesterday"...Your pantoum is perfect for the occasion, speaking to a grandmother's own wonder at the gift of a grandchild and all the brightness she adds to "a calico-colored world." I celebrate this profound gift of life and love with you. The word that comes to mind is "savor." Every blessed moment. That is what grandmothers do! Happy birthday to beautiful Sierra! I'm delighted that the line in my comment to Chris spoke to you so. Such loveliness in your post - the digital art, the poem, all so clearly born of deep gratitude and love. Thank you for capturing and sharing little Sierra's exuberance for life with us.

    1. Fran, thanks for inspiration to pen this post. Your line that I lifted did indeed make me stop and reflect that is why I was able to cover in shortened version Sierra's four years. I love the word savor and that I did tonight when I watched Sierra on Google Duo. She was reveling in her surprise house that her mother constructed for her birthday. Thank you for your joyful response.

  9. Just gorgeous, both in words and photos. All of it speaks to love and memories made.

    1. Betsy, I read my poem to my granddaughter when we chatted on Google Duo tonight. First, I shared the photos then, I asked her if I could read the poem. She actually thanked me. Sierra is a reader and loves a good read aloud so I was delighted.

  10. Replies
    1. I am not sure who sent this but thank you for joining me.

  11. Carol, this tribute to your grandchild is wonderful--loving, whimsical, wistful, and full of possibilities for what lies ahead for this little girl. I hope you are gathering these posts to bind and share with her as she grows older! A true testament to a grandmother's love.
