
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Reflections on Winter and Sprinters


Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.
-Yoko Ono

Looking backward to winter may cool down the heat and humidity for me, or at least, it will bring back some interesting memories. It seems like this past year was endless with the pandemic's hold on life and nature's multi-layered weather conditions that extended winter into spring creating a new phenomenon, a sprinter
The Urban Dictionary describes sprinter as "the Canadian season which occurs between Spring and Summer when Mother Nature forgets that it is supposed to be getting warmer and suddenly reverts to Winter for no apparent reason." 
It took patience, perseverance, and faith. Now, it is time to remember those sprinter moments with humorous thoughts. 

My fellow poetry writing colleague, Kay McGriff, posted on Facebook her interpretation of an Indiana sprinter this April. I decided to add a dodoitsu, a Japanese poetic form that I attempted earlier this week.

Nature  surprises springtime,
Powder puffing its landscape
With a chilled blanket of white-
Late April Fool's gift.
©CV, 2021

I found some "sprinter humor" on Twitter by vinn f, @dreamanxiety, 2018, and decided to change the words into a poetic format just for fun.

when I go outside
to shovel the snow
will it be considered
"spring cleaning"?

Recent memories from nature's sprinter storms will be part of the Winter's Embrace 2021 Gallery. Winter has passed. Hopefully, sprinter storms have passed and I have persevered inching my way closer to unveiling my Winter's Embrace 2021. Stayed tuned for the upcoming unveiling of my newest gallery filled with artistic expressions based on winter and winter-like weather. 

I'm now off to celebrate Poetry Friday with our host this week, Carol Wilcox at Carol's Corner.  Carol is introducing a new poet to many of  us, Jeannette Encinias, and states that her poetry is filled with "glorious, richly detailed sensory images."


  1. A fun collection!!!! I had never heard of dodoitsu, but you make me want to give it a try! Happy grandma sitting!

    1. Thanks for the greetings, Carol. I am awaiting the arrival of two little toddlers with great excitement. Checklist is in place-oatmeal breakfast, garage door open, lots of love.

  2. Carol, fun sprinter poems. Though I have experienced lots of sprinter storms in Iowa, this is the first time I heard them called that. I did laugh at your final lines in those dodoitsus, too. Lovely post.

    1. I just found out the name for the winter storms in spring, Denise and thought that I would share my thoughts on it. Thanks for enjoying my examples.

  3. How fun to imagine our own 'sprinter', a new term for me, but it certainly fits this year. It's a lovely celebration, Carol, loving that poem you grabbed about 'spring cleaning'! Have a lovely weekend!

    1. The weekend turned out to be very busy with the two little girls with us.Sierra is going to be 4 on Tuesday and her parents were trying to assemble the pieces of a little house my daughter made for Sierra. It is a big surprise so we watched the girls and I am delighted to have had time with them. Thanks for wishing me a lovely weekend. I hope yours was wonderful,too.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Ruth, for commenting. Enjoy your week and stay well.

  5. Oh those daffodils...I love them even if they frown under a bit of snow. Love the word play here.

    1. I am wondering about Mother Nature's moods lately. Today we took a nature walk with our little ones and the temperature was so much cooler than earlier this week. Can spring in summer weather become summing???

  6. I love the idea of snow shoveling as spring cleaning. I guess it is if done in April. It's summer here but we are never far, it seems, from snow.

    1. I hear you, Janice. I remember one year in Syracuse that the snow started around Thanksgiving and ended at Easter but I think another year it was even later. April Thoughts: snow + shovel = spring cleaning (that makes an equation poem)

  7. I am reminded of our sprinter as I mourn for trees that are struggling with bent and broken branches left over from the heavy snow we got when they were already starting to be fully in leaf and sometimes in bloom (one buckeye tree with a crushed crown makes me especially sad).

    1. Mary Lee, I am so sorry that your felt the havoc of sprinter-crushed crown- If you have a photo of that I would like to share that in the gallery with your short write-up if you like.
