
Wednesday, March 30, 2022

#SOL22 March Musings Day 30: Soul-Calming Moments

Some days are just so packed with my laundry list of tasks that I need to step back at the end of the day and find time to be grateful, not perturbed. Today was my day of running from task to task like the jackrabbit that hip-hopped across my lawn last summer. He probably was the one eating my flowers but I am digressing. I really don't like not having time to catch my breath so I seek quiet alone time when this happens. Reflecting on my day, I woke with the inclination to write in the morning but life took a different turn. At 8:00 A.M. the doorbell rang and 3 tradespeople were ready to complete the ticket they were given for my 11-month warranty servicing. But they arrived on the wrong day. While this was not ideal, I went with the flow of a new plan. It would have been nice to start the day slowly and accomplish tasks at my own pace. 

It is 11:19 P.M. and my muse finally caught up with me. She nudged me to pause-think-ink with the beautiful sound of Tim Janis' instrumental music that began with "Blessed Assurance". I read his quote before slicing. "My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace." You must indulge me and listen to a few minutes of the song because your day may have been like mine. 

finding time to chill
fits the bill
at the end of the day
the muse shows me the way
soft music flows
I start with prose
my thoughts slow down 
I no longer frown
I hear the sound
look around
I am amidst the flowers
in the bewitching hours
this is my story, this is my song
I am where I belong
©CV, 2022

Thank you Two Writing Teachers for this daily meeting place to connect with a community of reflective writers.
Readers, thank you for joining me this month for my March Musings' slices.
I appreciate your comments and commitment to writing.


  1. Carol, I listened to the instrumental - how calming and relaxing. We have all had days when things don't go as planned and it seems like we are pulled in different directions at the same time. Love how the music helps you slow down and puts you ion fields of flowers. You are where you belong.

    1. Bob, thanks for joining me on one of the last days of slicing. It has been a whirlwind of a weekend with relatives coming from out-of-town to visit and tradespeople coming in and out of the house to check on my end of year warranty issues. Finding time to chill is always a challenge when life doubles and triples up. I getting ready to slice but everything comes slowly because my eye is still bothering me.
