
Thursday, June 9, 2022

Celebrating The Small Things

Celebrations are often thought of as grand occasions but this month Spiritual Journey Thursday is writing about the celebration of small things. What if I start looking at small everyday accomplishments as building blocks to something larger? As Mother Teresa says, "Be faithful in small things because in them that your strength lies."  

While healing from cataract surgery, I try to accomplish one small thing. This past week, I gardened to beautify the beds. We purchased a cascading water fountain that added an ornamental touch and a pleasant zen-like trickling sound. 

Nature calls me to slow down and go with the flow like my gardens do daily. I need to listen and just take small steps to accomplish larger goals; meditate to find peace. As Rachel Carson says, 'Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts."

I imagine my Virginia garden to be a place for rest and meditation like the one in my Long Island home. If there is a sign to be made for my garden, it should read "Nature is the art of God." (Dante Alighieri)

  • Tomorrow, I shall share the beauty of God's blossoms with my toddler granddaughters.

  • I celebrate my time with my sweet little grandgirls.

I celebrate grandma & grandpa sitting tomorrow.
I even celebrate the challenges of feeling overwhelmed
that will be erased by the girls' smiles.
There is much to do each day
there must be time to celebrate the little things. 
Don't you agree?


Thank you to Ramona Behnke, Washington poet friend, the host of Spiritual Journey Thursday for our topic. She shares a splendid photo gallery of her recent celebrations at her blog, Pleasures from the Page.


I celebrate poetry with the host of Poetry Friday, children author Buffy Silverman. I thank her for  for her beautiful nature photography and poetry at her website link, that you can visit here.


Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words.
-Edgar Allan Poe

I am in the midst of slowly designing my Poetryliscious Global Gallery of Artistic Expressions but you can see the recent additions from Alaska, Kashmir, Estonia, and poets from across the United States at the Poetryliscious Gallery Padlet here.


  1. If ever there was a color to celebrate--turquoise is it! I love that color. I recently collaged a big piece of paper in turquoise scraps just for funsies...not other plan for it than to enjoy the process. Your son swims 110 laps? My goodness. That's amazing. I can swim about 30 minutes straight and that's it. I've never been athletic. So, for me building up strength and skill and agility takes a long, long time. Now I'm inspired to at least reach my little 10 lap goal.

  2. Oh those grand girls are growing! I love your cascading waterfall...and your "small things" theme. Truly, it's that attitude that gets me through a lot of things. xo

  3. Those 'small things' keep me going, too, Carol. I wish everyone would realize that paying attention is a special life-affirming habit. I love that you are so near your grand girls, ever a pleasure, right? Hope your eyes are better every day!

  4. Wholly agree about the benefits of celebrating the small things in life. Love seeing your gardening fun, and your granddaughters are so cute!!

  5. Great advice on recognizing and celebrating the small steps--something I need to try to do more. Hope you are healing and that your cataract-free eyes enjoy the beauty that you photograph.

  6. Carol, enjoy every moment with your grand girls. I'm impressed with your gardening that's happening as you heal from cataract surgery. I'm sure the grand girls will love viewing the blossoms and the cascading waterfall.

  7. Carol, I find celebration in every post of yours. That turquoise is so soothing - I have been thinking about writing a post on blue. For some reason the color has been lingering in my mind. You know, of course, that I wholeheartedly share the celebration of little granddaughters. What a great gift it is to help them see the wonders of God and His great handiwork in nature. I am so looking forward to more such moments starting next week, with school being out!

  8. I do agree, Carol. Celebrating the tiny things--and even something the not so great things--is vital. This is lovely and reminds me that I want to get out my own little tabletop "fountain" to put on the deck and enjoy its trickling sounds, its flow of peace...

  9. Yes to celebrating and focusing on the small joys. I'm following you through the roundup, so I'll also share condolences on your rough recovery from cataract surgery. Clearly, I had it easy with my recovery. So sorry you're having a tough time of it. Hope all the issues clear up soon!

  10. Your poem celebrating your garden and new fountain radiates peace - almost like being there! Thank you for sharing this with us. Best wishes on your continued recovery.

  11. Hooray for small things! Thank you for this lovely reminder!

  12. Small (wee) things have a huge impact on our lives. Your wee grandgirls are the best reminders of that. :)

  13. There is such peace and purpose in gardening. I'm so happy you've found it and wish you well as you continue to recover.

  14. Yes! Life is lived in the details! Enjoy those small grand-daughter moments!

  15. Peace flowing from gardens is a great image. Yes, indeed. Praise God for small celebrations.

  16. Thank you, Carol. This is lovely.
