
Friday, September 16, 2022

Celebrating Poetic Writing

How often do poets and writers praise the writing of the masters and strive to use their voice and the magic of word play to bring verve to their own work? I am excited to share information about two poet friends who have exciting news.

Buffy Silverman's poetic book On a Gold-Blooming Day Finding Fall Treasures, made it's debut on September 6, 2020, National Read a Book Day. I recently found a special mailing from Lerner Publishing Group, a copy of Buffy's poetic book to publicize.

The hardbound book that will delight both children and adults is
a stunning one to display on a coffee table.

When reviewing Buffy's book, I fell in love with both the gorgeous nature photographs and the accompanying descriptive words, like a sun-dazzling day. Since I started decorating for the autumn season, I plan on leaving Buffy's book on display as a welcome-to-my-house treasure. When my little grandgirls come to visit, they will spot the book, take it in their hands, and be mesmerized by the beauty within each photographic page amidst a flow of poetic thought.

Hopefully, my grandgirls will lift their voices in celebration of Buffy's
pre-school to grade 3 book.

Another poet-teacher-publisher friend living in Switzerland, Bridget Magee is celebrating her one-year book anniversary of The 10*10 Poetry Anthology: Celebrating 10 in 10 Different Ways this October. Bridget single-handedly edited and compiled her first anthology of 87 poems. I am happy to say that I am one of the 10*10 writers celebrating alongside Bridget. 

Bridget writes that in the past year, her "humble wee words inaugural poetry anthology earned Five 5-star Amazon reviews and multiple bloggers have sung collective praises". I was particularly impressed by a wonderful review by Karla Wendlin of Poetry Studio.
Bridget Magee focuses on the number 10 through clever use of language, humor, and heartfelt sentiment. The 87 poems are dived into 10 sections, each with an introductory quote that sets up intention (nod to Bridget!) of the poems that follow (e.g., "The qualing of strength lined with tenderness is anunbeatable combination..." Maya Angelou).The 10 topics address vocabulary (tentative, tenacity, tension), common phrases (take ten, I wouldn't touch that with a ten-foot pole), and more. The poems, written by established as well as debut poets, reflect a wide variety of poetic styles. Brief biographical sketches of the poets are appended. Keep a copy of this book handy, as students will want to reread selections and read aloud their favorites, and possibly use poems as models for their own writing. The entire book might be an inspiration for a class writing project, celebrating a different number, such as "one" (e.g., one-sided, one-up, one of a kind, we're number one, one-hit wonder, etc.
Stay tuned to the month of October when Briget will put the spotlight on the 10*10 writers. Don't miss Bridget's wee words for wee words blog and business Facebook page. 

Below you find my poem that was written with my 2 1/2-year-old granddaughter Aurora in mind. I like to sing the poem to her instead of just reading it out loud. We laugh when I sing because I use gestures and movements to make Aurora giggle. Thank you, Bridget, for all the work you put into this wonderful poetry anthology. 


Join me for the Poetry Friday Roundup hosted by my Australian poet friend/kidlit author, Kat Apel. Before reading the array of poetic goodness linked to Kat's blog, pause to read her post. She is sharing her successes and summer poem swaps (with beautiful haikus and nature poetry), along with her new books and presentations .


  1. I love both of these books. Buffy's book as you said is full of lovely language and photos. I need to pull out my copy of 10x10 to share with my students. Your poem is such a fun skinny about fingers and toes. Thanks for sharing these wonderful books.

    1. Thank you, Margaret. My skinny had a great model to work with. Grandchildren are such a delight.

  2. A delightful little joy-poem, Carol. As is the thought of you and your grandgirl singing it. Buffy's poetry collection sounds like a coffee table collection.

    1. Kat, I am placing Buffy's book in a perfect spot for many eyes to view this amazing book. I am sure my grandgirls will gravitate to it. Thanks for commenting on my poem.

  3. Love imagining you singing your poem to your granddaughter, Carol. Thanks for spotlighting Buffy's and Bridget's books! PF peeps are so talented! ~ Jama

    1. Jama, the funny thing about my singing is that I am not a singer but my granddaughter doesn't mind that. LOL! I just love Poetry Friends friends and their successes! (Congrats to you on 15 years of joyous blogging.)

  4. Carol, I haven't seen Buffy's new book yet, but it is on my wish list! Your poem is so sweet, I'm sure your granddaughter loves your singing! xo

  5. Oops, I wrote the "anonymous" comment above this one! : )

    1. Thanks for joining me, Linda. We were with the grandgirls most of this weekend, so I am trying to catch up on my reading of PF poems.

  6. Grandchildren are such inspiration! Thanks for sharing, Carol.

    1. Since I spent most of the weekend with the grands, I have many great memories to write about.

  7. I guess we have been thinking alike, Carol, Buffy's book at the fore. I had written my post before receiving Bridget's email, but I do have fun with my older grand girls reading parts of it with them. I'm sure your "Ten Little fingers, Ten Little Toes" does bring on the giggles. I wish I could attach a picture because we are having a 'sun-dazzling' day today, though not yet "gold-blooming"! Happy Friday!

    1. Sun-drizzling day - love that thought. Maybe you should write your thoughts down on that beautiful day, Linda. The weather was glorious this weekend.

  8. I'm so excited about Buffy's book. It looks beautiful. And thanks for the lovely image of you singing your 10*10 poem to your grand. It's absolutely perfect!

    1. I was inspired by my youngest grandgirl, Laura. I have some more ideas on poems afte4r spending most of the weekend with the family. Hope all is well with you.

  9. What fun to read your post that celebrates two books, both new to me. I requested Buffy's book from the library (it's on order, 10 copies for the system) and I'm #1 in line! I can't wait to see it since I'm a fall lover. Your words today make me want to dig out the fall decor at my house.

    1. I am almost finished with my indoor decorating for fall, Ramona. My little grands stayed over this weekend and they toured the house looking for signs of fall. It was so much fun.

  10. Thanks for the gold-blooming shoutout, Carol! And I love your 10*10 poem, and thinking of you singing it to your granddaughter!

    1. We had wonderful weather this weekend, Buffy. Most of the photos I took were of the family, especially the little grands. I think of your photos and wish you many gold-blooming days to come.

  11. oooooh, that skinny in 10 10 is delightful. And, both these authors are just so clever with how the capture photos, words and poems of others. I am in awe of their work. What a celebration post! How are the grandgirls doing in school? I hope well. I'm doing OK. However, staff shortages still make life difficult.

    1. Sierra is enjoying Kindergarten. The first week she was overwhelmed. Aurora makes us laugh all the time. I spent most of the weekend with them because it was my daughter's birthday. Life is full living so close to them.

  12. Two fantastic books! Thanks for shining a spotlight on them!

    1. I was so impressed with these books, Mary Lee, and probably return to them throughout this season.

  13. I can't wait for Buffy's new book. How wonderful.

  14. Yay! Two wonderful books of poetry I will look forward to owing! And... how might I hear the singing version of your Ten Little Toes poem? I'd love to sing it to my grandson :)
