
Thursday, September 8, 2022

Farewell Summer 2022

Welcome to the Poetry Friday Roundup!

Join me as I pause for a  brief poetic tribute to Summer 2022.

Under a painted sky,
Ornamental grass sways in the breeze.
Summer enrobes in vivid florals
And night noises rise.
Nature celebrates halcyon days
In a tapestry of dewdrops and shifting sands.
Summer waits for its seasonal transition.
Farewell, Sweet Summer!
©CVarsalona, Summer 2022

For you listening pleasure:

Below is a cento (or collage poem) that is composed entirely of lines from other poems by other poets.

Summer has clothed the earth.
The still air stirred at touch of the faint breeze. 
I see it as it looked one afternoon.
Gently, I stir a white feather fan.
Shine on, O moon of summer.
Wanderer moon smiling (as)
The frail white stars moved slowly over the sky.
With day-break and the morning hills behind,
A summer sound repeated in summer without end
And I should like so much to play.
©CV, 2022, cento poem

Credit to the Following Poets:

Line 1: Paul Laurence Dunbar, In Summer
Line 2:     Paul McKay Summer, Morn in New Hampshire 
Line 3:     Emma Lazarus, Long Island Sound
Line 4:    Li Po, In the Mountains on a Summer Day
Line 5:     Carl Sandburg, Riverside
Line 6:    William Carlos Williams, Summer Song
Line 7:     Sara Teasdale, Summer Night, Riverside 
Line 8:     Siegfried Sassoon, Idyll
Line 9:     Wallace Stevens, The Idea of Order at Key West
Line 10:   Robert Louis Stevenson, Bed in Summer


Summer Digital Art

A Child Wonders As She Meets Pearl, the Mermaid

©CV, 2022, photo digitized using Graphite App
"The poetry of earth is never dead." -John Keats
Please feel free to add your artistic expressions and poems at the end of my brief blog post and also post your image poems to my Poetryliscious Gallery for the public to see. The link is here. 
Please read through the following Poetry Friday posts by writers who added their poetic goodness to this week's Roundup.


  1. Lovely post Carol, I'm looking for a pause as we come upon fall and all here answers that. So much beautiful imagery in your "Farewell Summer" poem, and I love
    "Nature celebrates halcyon days
    In a tapestry of dewdrops and shifting sands."
    And I'd like to stay and play inside your cento poem too.—Thanks for hosting!

    1. You are the first to respond, Michelle. I thank you for responding and hope you are enjoying the last days of summer.

  2. I see we've both been inspired by others' words, Carol! Love your sentiments about summer - it is, indeed, too fleeting for my tastes, but I'm grateful to live in an area of the country that enjoys a bold changing of the seasons. Thanks for hosting!

    1. I am happy to let you know that I got your PF blog posted as #25. I know that you posted earlier but I do not know why some of the slots are without names. Must be a Mister Linky glitch. Thanks for your remarks and I agree that summer is fleeting. I can't wait to see the bold color changes in your area.

  3. A wistful and lovely farewell. Where did the summer of 2022 go? I feel as if I'm just ready for it to begin. :)

    1. I agree with your question about where summer went, Karen. I am sorry that I am late to respond to you. Where did my weekend go?

  4. A sweet send-off, Carol, with a chorus of voices - but I swear, my calendar turned to September while my back was turned! Thank you for hosting. :0)

    1. The chorus of voices echoed in my head while I tried to keep my sick little grand busy, Robyn. You will see what I mean when your grandchild reaches the "terrible twos".

    2. Oh my, Carol - you had your hands full! Yes, the "twos" seem so far away, and yet I blinked and Sawyer just turned three months old! (I hope your sweet one feels better soon.)

  5. We have had the hottest weather, beating records, Carol. I am ready for a goodbye. But I do love the parts you've written of, those "dewdrops and shifting sands". Thank you for hosting!

    1. Linda, as much as I love summertime, I do enjoy the copper and golden tinges of fall. I look forward to pursuing the beauty of remaining summer days. The rain has left and the sunshine is so bright. I can't wait to go outside to soak up some rays.

  6. Farewell Summer indeed, Carol. As we in the Southern Hemisphere eagerly await warmer days after our coldest, wettest winter in a decade. Your Cento poem requires significant effort to lock the right lines into place, and you have nailed it! Great line gathering. Your farewell to summer poem is a gentle paen to summer's gifts. Thank you also for hosting this week.

    1. A cento poem needs massaging in order to get the lines to flow the way that makes sense. After many attempts I am happy with the poem and loved the research prior to creation. Thanks for joining me from the other side of the globe, Alan.

  7. What a lovely farewell to summer! I don't think I'm quite ready to bid it a full farewell yet, but your poems are a wonderful tribute. You really gathered the perfect lines to create your cento and wove them together beautifully! Thanks for hosting this week.

  8. What a lovely poem about summer. I'm sad to see the summer go--it's my favorite season! Thanks for hosting!

  9. I like how you combined the still air and your white feather fan in your cento. Normally summer doesn't feel very delicate, but your cento summer does -- perhaps because it is ending. Lovely. Thanks for hosting!

  10. How quickly summer comes and goes... I love thinking about the lines of your cento dancing together and imagine the different penners of different lines all getting together to chat about it! Thank you for hosting today, and happy fall! xo, a.

  11. How fast the summer flew by! Thanks for this evocative post; wonderful cento and music to mark this bittersweet seasonal transition. And thanks for hosting this week!!

    1. That last comment was me, Jama. Forgot to sign in. :)

    2. Thank you, Jama, for joining me here and also for your comment. I am pleased with the reception to my centro poem.

  12. Such a lovely sendoff to summer, Carol! Thanks for hosting this week.

    1. Rose, thank you for commenting. The weather is so delightful here this week that it makes me think fall is slowly approaching. Summer still wants to hold on.

  13. O sweet summer! Thank you for these summery whisperings, Carol. Here's to RLStevenson's line about playing! Lovely cento. xo

  14. Thank you for the beautiful tribute to summer! And lookie there...I have a cento today, too!

  15. So much wistful joy in your ode to summer, Carol. And the green! Had to add my own green image to your digital art :)

  16. Thanks for hosting and bringing out the best of summer. Makes me long to go back and do it over again, but fall is a favorite season of mine. "Farewell" is not used much anymore. It feels formal, yet my 3rd grader wrote a poem today using farewell as a repeated word.

  17. Carol, it seems like we wait forever for summer to get here then it feels like it is gone in an instant. There are so many sights and sounds that are unique to the season. I have always been fascinated by the dewdrop pattern that emerges as they cling to a spider's web.

  18. Carol, what a beautiful post. Thank you so much for hosting this week. So much feeling in every line. You certainly have an eye for lines to make a cento. I'm sad that summer is leaving. I seem to wait all school year for summer and then it just flashes past me in an instant. But, I did intentionally try to be in the moments this summer to enjoy it. It was a wonderful summer--so many great memories. I'm in this week with a celebration of International Literacy Day.

    1. Linda, I hoped to see you this summer but it flew by with doctor visits and family. I still want to see you and watch you collage. It is such a beautiful art that brings out your artistic skills.

  19. I really enjoyed your cento. And the Padlet is so fun.

  20. Ah, summer. We are going to miss it. You found the perfect lines to hold it on the page.

    1. Cathy, it is so good to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by.
