
Friday, March 3, 2023

A Quirky Habit

Years ago, my friend who retired told me that she always stayed up past midnight. I made a bold statement and said that I thought I could never do that - BUT - today, I will pull the truth out and talk about a new quirky habit => sliding in at the end of the night to write. I developed a penchant for burning the midnight oil even though I said I would never do that. I cannot deny this new practice I have fallen into. My muse must be quite upset about breaking her sleep to nudge me to rise and finish writing. Another truth unfolds: a new job has been taken by my husband who quietly tries to remove the laptop off my lap on or before midnight. 

Last night I was all set to post my slice of life for the Two Writing Teachers March challenge but nodded out once again with my laptop on my lap and head in the pillow until my husband resurrected me. Drats! I would have made the deadline if it wasn't for the cozy comfort of writing in bed. On March 1st, I fell asleep while writing a response to Darin Johnson's post. I just found the evidence of that in my open file.


  1. I am also a late night writer with hopes of being an earlier writer! Ever since my kids were little I have been in the habit of sitting down to work or write or read or many other things after they were in bed. It's a hard habit to break!

    1. Hi, it is great to meet you. When I was working daily, it was easy to regulate sleep time but now anything goes depending on what needs to be done. I enjoyed your opening slices. Have a good trip.

  2. I am a night owl, and I don't mind one little bit. I try to write my post late at night and schedule it to publish in the it appears that I am a morning person! :)

    1. Ha Ha, that is a wonderful idea. If I am not busy during one day, maybe your habit will work for me. Thanks for joining me, Leigh Anne.

  3. Whatever it takes, including a husband taking a precariously perched laptop off the lap of an unconscious body. Bravo to you for making the most of second winds when they arrive :)

    1. Brian, I am excited to converse with you virtually again this year. Second winds seem to be the usual flow for me these days. It is quiet in the house this morning. My little grandgirls are entranced in their TV shows. It reminds me of ME when I was a kid. Saturday fun!

  4. I try sometimes to write at night for the next day and sometimes I write during the day. I'm just trying really hard to not wake up in the night and write (which I've done some years). I've definitely become more of a night owl of late (pun intended) after being an early riser for years.

    1. That anonymous is Ramona, who else do you know who writes slices in the middle of the night?

    2. Ramona, I wish I had time to just "be" in your presence and enjoy talking time. The house is quiet now - the little girls are watching TV, a treat they really enjoy. Off to great them with a hello and a kiss.

  5. Totally a night owl during Slice of Life month. I hate that about myself yet it's just how I've operated best going on 10 years? Wow. No wonder I'm a zombie come every April! Anyways, I love how you threw in how you fell asleep writing/commenting. I do that too - ALL THE TIME. I think it's maybe I feel so relaxed or my brain just reboots with an unscheduled nap. Good luck switching up your schedule if you do go that route. Sometimes I wake up and write lines or titles in the middle of the night too then crash after a few minutes. I also make the mistake of looking for blog I've never read before bed and then staying up later than I should commenting!

    1. Brittany, I agree with so much of what you said but the reboot idea may be the answer why I fall asleep while reading or writing. There are so many wonderful slices that I want to read as many as I can.

  6. Carol, the nice thing about this challenge is that we have 24 hours in which to post. Whether it's 12:01 A.M. or 11:59 P.M. it still counts. Kathy is also a night owl. Me, my head is drooping by 10:00. Besides, your late posts give me something to look forward to in the morning before I get my act together to start writing.

    1. Carol, I forgot to change commentors name above. That was posted by Bob.

    2. I guess my late posts giving you a boost in the morning is a positive to what I am doing, Bob.

  7. I told myself this year that I would prep all my drafts the night before, so I'd just have to click "publish" the next morning..... It's only day 4, and I haven't been able to do it haha!

    1. Britt, at least you are thinking in the right direction. I had an idea last night but did not have time to sketch it out.
