
Friday, March 3, 2023

Words to Fall Back On-SJT & Slice of Life

We use words daily but how often do we think about the power of words? Tonight I have the opportunity to think about this. It is not only Spiritual Journey Thursday hosted by Karen Eastlund but also Day 2 of Two Writing Teachers' March SOLSC. Words are essential elements of writing so when Karen asked our group to write about words that we fall back on, give us strength and encouragement, and act as touchstones, I gravitated to this topic. 

At every moment of our life, we have an opportunity to choose joy.   (Henry J.M. Nouwen)
Words are a lens to focus one's mind.  (Ayn Rand)
The words that enlighten the soul are more precious than jewels. (Hazrat Inayat Khan)
Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace. ( Buddha)
Be happy in the moment, that's enough. Each moment is all we need, not more. (Mother Teresa)
Let all that you do be done in love. (1 Corinthians 16:14)
Just be and enjoy being!  - Eckhart Tolle
©CV, 2023

The above poem is made entirely of quotes that touched my heart. I pause for another quote by Mother Teresa: "Life is a challenge; we must take it." While being exhausted lately, I say, "Yes I am ready to meet each challenge with faith and hope in the Divine Lord".


Today was a busy day with grandparent-sitting for my adorable little grandgirls and my final keynote presentation to the Reading Specialists of Suffolk via Zoom. I thank the Spiritual Journey Thursday and Two Writing Teachers communities for providing a meeting space to engage in written conversations. 


  1. Carol, yes, life is a challenge. It is comforting to know that we are not alone in facing it and that help is there for us if we just turn to it. "Ask and it shall be given you." (Matthew 7: 7-11)

    1. Bob, being in this community of friends brings such joy and comfort. We are not alone. We are one of faith.

  2. Carol, I love the poem you created. I know you're in an especially busy time. Hang in there! I bet you're glad to finish your last presentation. Now you can really enjoy being with the grandgirls. Love the last quote you shared with us. I too need to be ready to meet embrace life's challenges with faith and hope.

    1. Ramona, with faith and love we march on together-a collaborative group of believers.

  3. Your poem is rich in wisdom and faith, Carol. And, when we are exhausted, rich in comfort. What a gift, these words!

    1. Patricia, words are gifts that open our portals letting inspiration and faith help us thrive.
