
Friday, April 28, 2023

Springsations Creations

While Spring had fluctuating temperatures, winds, and rains, National Poetry Month, continued to blossom. During Poetry Month, poetry flowed abundantly at each of the Poetry Friday blogs. When visiting a Poetry Friday Roundup blog, you enter a domain of poetic goodness, a place that holds the breathings of hearts, wonders, joys, and possibly pain. Creative play is encountered, as well as voice.

Now please step into the Creativity Zone where poets write, dreamers dream, and artistic expressions mature from a seed of an idea to an image poem. Discover Springsations, writers' emotional response to what is seen, heard, felt, smelled, and touched during this season of renewal and joy.

Since Poem in Your Pocket Day 2023 occurred yesterday when I started writing this blog post, tuck the above poem in your pocket to inspire your writing.
Have you seen the vivid new additions to Springsations  Gallery Padlet?
The deadline for submitting an image poem has been extended to May 5th.
Thank you to Poetry Friday poets, Jone Rush MacCulloch, Linda Baie, Bridget Magee, Irene Latham, and Rose Cappelli, for adorning the walls of Springsations Gallery Padlet. Share a poem or carry one of the poems you find on my padlet.

Please join the Poetry Friday Roundup this week where you will find many poetic voices illustrating their latest National Poetry Month projects. Ruth Hersey, teacher-poet working in Uganda, is our host this week. She asks that we pull up a chair to enjoy the variety of poetic goodness. Please click here.


  1. Carol, I love that sweet poem you share about inspiration. It's so true how ideas can pop out anywhere we are, anything we see or hear or taste or touch or smell. I love these lines:

    "a spark ignites /an idea flies by / like a wisp of fairy dust"

    1. Denise, may we all continue to be inspired to write pop-up poems from nature's bounty. Have a wonderful day. The excitement mounts for the last two lines of the PP.

  2. Considering I was calling for spring in my poem today, Carol, I think you've given it to me! Love your poem that Thanks! Have a wonderful weekend "be-ing" and enjoying nature however it arrives!

    1. While I wanted to comment last night on your poem and make a few more rounds, I fell asleep early but first thing this morning I read your post. I love your Spring wants. Thanks for the "being" wish. I plan to enjoy my day in the little bit of sun that woke me up.

  3. "wish weeds" is the BEST name for dandelions, Carol. The entire Springsations gallery is a bright spot on the internet. Thank you for all you do for the (poetry) world. :)

    1. Bridget, thanks for stopping by. I just added your poem in a pocket digital inspiration to the Springsations Gallery Padlet.

  4. lol! Yes, I fell asleep Friday right after school and have been catching up on posts. I love all the padlet inspirations in our community. It's such a neat tool. I will look for a poem to add...or write one. Thanks for a pocket poem.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous, for stopping by. I would love to know who you are so I can thank you respectfully. I look forward to reading your poem.

  5. The Padlet is like a walk in nature, with nature narrating! Love it!

    1. Laura, that is a really neat statement. Can I quote you for the Springsations Gallery? I also like your moon poem and wonder if you would like to offer it for this Padlet?
