
Friday, February 2, 2024

Grandma Love Is...

I am blessed to follow in the line of grandmothers whose devotion to their grandchildren was essential to each grandma's well-being. My grandmother, Nonnie, was my guide, opening my eyes to the beauty of gardens, the love of baking, the secret to making pasta sauce, and a desire to be a lifelong reader. My mother, Grandma Kay, was not only the grandma to my children but to the neighborhood children. She was generous, hardworking, and devoted to her grandchildren from birth to their college years. My family moved to Virginia because we wanted to be closer to our grandgirls. It has been a whirlwind, a few years trying to settle in and be filled with the spirit of familial love. I pause today after a long day of Grandmasitting for a sick baby yesterday. There were cuddles, hugs, drying of tears, playtime, eating with fingers, and lots of love to make yesterday a last memory.

Baby #3 feels better at the end of the day.

Today, I return to the grandchildren's house. It is a special day of pride and thanksgiving. My oldest grandgirl invited me to her class' Poetry Cafe. We have talked and written toddler poems throughout her six years but today she will be recognized as a 1st-grade young poet. She announced yesterday that one of her topics is video games. I eagerly await the recitation.

Holiday Happiness, 2023
  • "It is as grandmothers that our mothers come into the fullness of their grace." – Christopher Morley

Grandma Love Is...

a gift
of enduring love
fountain of perpetual devotion
©CVarsalona, January 2024
Elfchen poem

This blog post is a follow-up post on Love Is...
You can read my first post with poem written for Spiritual Journey Thursday here.
I also wrote a humorous piece for Baby #2 here.


Mary Lee Hahn is our Poetry Friday Roundup host today and she and her Inklings group are ready to whisper secrets to us. Shhh! It is going to be a poetic goodness treat today so check in here.

Loveuary Special Note

I follow Mary Lee as Host of the Poetry Friday Roundup next week.
Since I have been thrilled with the Poetry Postcards I have received, I'd like to continue with a Pre-Valentine Roundup. If you choose to do so, please add your Valentine wish/poem/card to your post next week. 


  1. Sweet, sweet post, Carol. How great you were able to care for this young one, not feeling so good. I lived with one of my grandmothers (& grandfather) with my mother, too, after my father died in WWII. All through the years, they were like second parents, wonderful people, town leaders, my idols in a way. My father's parents were special, too, whom I spent a month with every summer. Sheep farmers, they gave me my first pony, & showed me much about farming & living off the land. I was lucky, after my mother re-married, to have a 3rd grandmother, a sweet woman who taught me lots about cooking. There is much I can write, as you probably guess, but I cherish my own grandchildren & the time I get to spend with them: "enduring love"! Plus, I love that picture of the three grands!

    1. Linda, I love exchanging stories and news about family with you. It is special having you as a long distance friend! - Carol

  2. This is beautiful, Carol! "A fountain of perpetual devotion" is such a lovely thought. Your grandchildren are adorable and so lucky to have you nearby to dry a tear and share a giggle!

  3. Amen...I miss my grandmothers every day and they were so important to me. What a gift to both girls and grandmother.

  4. Carol, what a beautiful post over five generations. Your poem is sweet. I love "fountain of perpetual devotion" What an apt description of grandparenting! The pictures are precious!

  5. Carol, I love reading your joy in your grandgirls. I am but 18 months into my being "Amma" and all of it resonates. I'm glad baby is well again, and that you could be love, present.

  6. What a lovely picture of your gorgeous grandgirls, Carol. And sweet memories, too. Hoping your time in the Poetry Cafe was wonderful!

  7. Nothing quite like a grandma! So wonderful that you are closer and can help with a sick grandbaby!

  8. This post is filled with the loving hug of a grandma!

  9. "Grandma love is gracefilled" - so true. And your post is filled with that love and grace.

  10. Carol, I thought of my grandmother. I used to spend long afternoons at her house cooking and listening to records with her while my parents worked. Your post expresses so well a grandmother's love.

  11. There are some amazing grandmas here in the PF community. I'm always in awe and bittersweet too, as I never knew that kind of relationship as a child. I hope you know how much you're changing the lives of your much-loved grandchildren! Hope the Poetry Cafe was awesome!

  12. What lucky grand-girls, to have such a loving and devoted Grandmother as part of their lives! I love the word "gracefilled" in your poem - I've been thinking a lot about grace lately, and how important it is that we extend it to the people in our lives, how when we do so, we make our corner of the world a kinder place.

    Thanks for sharing your poem and pictures with us today. I hope you had a great time watching your oldest grand-girl recite her poem.

  13. You're the grandma I wish I had growing up, Carol. Your granddaughters (and children) are SO lucky to have you in their life. And it is not surprising that your oldest grand-girl is a poet! So cool. :)

  14. Such a lovely post Carol, poem and pics. I didn't know there was a 3rd grandchild, belated congrats and glad they're feeling better! Love the generational grandmother flow here too, thanks!

  15. So sweet, Carol. I'm looking forward to my days as a grandmother. (I'm old enough, to be sure, but it hasn't happened yet. :))
