
Thursday, February 8, 2024

Be My Valentine!

Valentine's Day has always been a family day to pause and be grateful for love displayed and love given from the heart. For a couple of weeks, I've been under the weather with a lingering cold so this Valentine's Day was a different type of day. Only part of the house featured Valentine's decor with mementos from the past. The meal of choice, heart ravioli was postponed. Valentine heartnotes were on hold. Yet, the family was able to video chat with the grandgirls, watch them open Valentine cards from schoolmates, and eat a delicious-looking chocolate cake with raspberries. Sitting on my table were a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a stunning-looking card. The spirit of love endured.

My gift back to the family is different handmade heartnotes and a new date to celebrate family love. 
Lao Tzu's wisdom withstands time. 
Poetry postcards open the heart to lasting memories. Below are two more postcards that brightened my winter days. 

from Jone Rush MacCullock
from Robyn Hood Black

May the joy of heartnotes bring you winter cheer. If you missed last week when I hosted Poetry Friday, you can find more poetry heartnotes here. This week Margaret Simon hosts Poetry Friday. She offers two poems with contrasting thoughts. Love and grief stand side by side. 
Logo designed by Margaret Simon


  1. I like the idea of our lives being a broad canvas ready for the colors of love. Feel better soon.

    1. Margaret, thanks for your comment and get well wishes. It is fun to make the Poetry Friday round with you as the hostess and guide.

  2. Your heartnotes are lovely, Carol. Thank you for sharing them and I hope you continue to heal and feel better.

    1. Thank you, Rose, for joining me here. I am praying for the infection I have to end soon. We are waiting to see if the storm really comes to Norther VA tomorrow.

  3. Some lovely Valentine poems and great postcards, Carol. I hope you are feeling better soon. This winter it seems like everyone I know has been sick at some point.

    1. Thanks, Susan. Winter weather is a series of cold and warm days. I hope the groundhog is right and spring is coming soon.

  4. I'm sorry you are under the weather. Me too. Blech. That's why I so enjoy the poetry postcards coming in. They truly brighten and warm a dark and chilly February. Fortunately, I can see the days are starting to lengthen. Little by little we are growing toward spring. Feel better soon, Carol. Chocolate covered grandgirls are just the ticket to make anyone smile.

    1. Linda, I am sorry that you too are under the weather, too. Something is going arounds. I am looking forward to warmer weather.

  5. Such a sweet description of Valentine's Day! Hope you feel better soon! Ruth,

    1. Ruth, thank you for joining me here. Have a great week.

  6. Love is in the air! (along with the occasional virus) Thank you for sharing your uplifting words despite feeling under the weather, Carol. Gute Besserung!

    1. Bridget, thank you for your warm get well greeting. While I do not know the German language, I surmised that the greeting had to do with health and I was right. You brightened my morning that has only a confectioner powder sprinkling of snow.

  7. I like "blossoms from the soul." Thanks for sharing your heart notes and postcards. Hope you're feeling better !

    1. Jama, I feel a little better so soon I will baking more coconut cookies. Have a wonderful week.

  8. I am sorry that you were not feeling well, Carol! Hopefully, you are on the mend now. I love your Valentine's Day traditions - heart-shaped ravioli, heartnotes, chatting with your grandchildren. So much love!

    1. Love is in the air when I think about the little grandgirls, Tracey. Off to do some more writing.

  9. Beautiful heartnotes, Carol! I hope you're feeling well and can celebrate together. Heart-shaped ravioli--yes!

    1. Thanks, Laura. I am hoping that I feel better tomorrow so I can have the grandgirls over for a Valentine's dinner. Have a wonderful week.

  10. With both kids away and a rather busy week, our family of two celebrated with one door hanger, two cards, and a lunch out in the middle of the week. It was enough, lifted as they were by "heart's imagination." (And oh, I did forget about the two pink pineapples we shipped to the Fruit Monster away at college!)

    1. Heidi, I am glad that you enjoyed your Valentine's Day. Of course, the young adults need valentine also. Fruit sounds good.

  11. Sweetness abounds here, Carol. Feel better soon!

  12. I hope by now you are feeling spunky! So many illnesses this winter have lingered on and on for folks. Thank you for sharing these "heartening" greetings.... (& the Swap postcards!)
